Motorola Inc., the world’s
second-largest mobile phone maker, will begin selling all of the technology
needed to build ’a basic mobile phone to outside manufacturers, in a key change
of strategy. The inventor of the cell phone, which has been troubled by missteps
compounded by a recent industry slump in sales, is trying to become a neutral
provider of mobile technology to rivals, with an eye toward fostering a much
larger market than it could create itself. The Chicago area-based company,
considered to A. slouch B. decline C. increase D. stamp [单选题]目前使用的某些SF6断路器的检修年限可达()以上。
A.5年 B.10年 C.20年 [多选题]一般常见的运输手段有()。
A.拼装整车运输 B.托盘优化运输 C.集装箱运输 D.科学零担运输 [单选题]宋元时期,丝织品的花色增多,号称“天下第一”的是( )
A.苏绣 B.湘绣 C.粤绣 D.蜀绣 [判断题]特高频法局部放电检测不可用于高压电缆的带电检测。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于爆炸极限,下列叙述错误的是()
A.A.爆炸浓度的上限、下限之间称为爆炸极限。 B.B.爆炸极限会随温度、压力的变化而变化。 C.C.爆炸极限的范围越窄,这种物质越危险。 D.D.爆炸下限值越低,这种物质越危险。 [单项选择]在我国,货币政策是由( )制定和执行的。
A. 中国银行业监督管理委员会 B. 国家发展和改革委员会 C. 中国人民银行 D. 国务院直属政策性银行 [单选题]道岔转换设备穿越轨底的各种杆距轨底的净距离应大于( )。
A.5mm B.10mm C.8mm D.6mm [单选题]用指针式万用表测量未知电阻时( )
A.可带电切换量程 B.可以带电测量电阻 C.应先放在欧姆档的大量程上 D.应先放在欧姆档的小量程上 [单项选择]Classified by different aims, there are at least 4 major types of test, among which _______ is to discover what the testee already knows about the target language.
A. aptitude test B. proficiency test C. achievement test D. diagnostic test [多选题]各级单位应当升挂国旗的节日有()
A.A、国庆节 B.B、国际劳动节 C.C、中秋节 D.D、春节 [判断题]对处于闭塞状态的闭塞设备和办理进路后处于锁闭状态的信号、联锁设备,经车站值班员同意,可以进行检修作业。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]Text 3 Disruption may bc the buzzword in boardrooms,but the most striking feature of business today is not the overturning of the established order.It is the stabilisation of a group of superstar companies at the heart of the global economy.Some are emerging-market champions,like Samsung,which have seized the opportunities provided by globalisation.The elite of the elite are high-tech wizards-Google,Apple,Facebook and the rest-that have conjured up corporate empires from bits and bytes.The superstars are admirable in many ways.They churn out products that improve consumers'lives,from smarter smartphones to sharper televisions.They provide Americans and Europeans with an estimated$280 billion-worth of"free"services-such as search or directions-a year.But they have two big faults.They are squashing competition,and they are using the darker arts of management to stay ahead.Neither is easy to solve.But failing to do so risks a backlash which will be bad for everyone.Bulking up is a global trend.The annual number of mergers and acquisitions is more than twice what it was in the 1990s.But concentration is at its most worrying in America.The share of GDP generated by America's 100 biggest companies rose from about 33%in 1994 t0 46%in 2013.In the home of the entrepreneur,the number of startups js lower than it has been at any time since the 1970s.More firms are dying than being bom.Founders dream of selling their firms to one of the giants rather than of building their own titans.The weight of the superstars also reflects their excellence at less productive activities.About 30%of global foreign direct investment(FDl)flows through tax havens,big companies routinely use"transfer pricing"to pretend that profits generated in one part of the world are in fact made in another.None of this helps the image of big business.Paying tax seems to be unavoidable for individuals but optional for firms.Rules are unbending for citizens,and up for negotiation when it comes to companies.Nor do profits translate into jobs as once they did.In 1990 the top three carmakers in Detroit had a market capitalisation of$36 billion and l.2 million employees.In 2014 the top three firms in Silicon Valley,with a market capitalisation ofover$l trillion,had only 137,000 employees.So,by all means celebrate the astonishing achievements of today's superstar companies.But also watch them.The world needs a healthy dose of competition to keep today's giants on their toes and to give those in their shadow a chance to grow.
The author's attitude towards superstar companies could be——
A.supportive B.critical C.conservative D.subjective [多选题]以下能将机械能转换为电能的装置是()。A.同步发电机 B.直流发电机 C.异步电动机 D.直流电动机
A.A B.B C.C D.D [多项选择]下列企业经营思想中,属于以销定产型的有( )。
A. 生产观念 B. 产品观念 C. 推销观念 D. 营销观念 E. 社会营销观念 [单选题]下列哪项不属于热烧伤()
A.热水烫伤 B.蒸气烫伤 C.火焰烧伤 D.硫酸烧伤 E.沸油烫伤 [单项选择]术中鉴别直疝与斜疝主要依靠
A. 精索与疝囊的关系 B. 疝囊颈与腹壁下动脉的关系 C. 疝块与内环的关系 D. 疝块是否进入阴囊 E. 是否产生嵌顿 [多选题]关于信用卡诈骗罪,下列哪些选项是错误的?
A.以非法占有目的,用虚假身份证明骗领信用卡后又使用该卡的,应以妨害信用卡管理罪与信用卡诈骗罪并罚 B.根据司法解释,在自动柜员机(ATM机)上擅自使用他人信用卡的,属于冒用他人信用卡的行为,构成信用卡诈骗罪 C.透支时具有归还意思,透支后经发卡银行两次催收,超过3个月仍不归还的,属于恶意透支,成立信用卡诈骗罪 D.《刑法》规定,盗窃信用卡并使用的,以盗窃罪论处。与此相应,拾得信用卡并使用的,就应以侵占罪论处 [单选题]根据我国保险法的规定,下列保险合同中,自保险责任开时后,合同当事人不得解除的保险合同是()
A.人身保险合同。 B.以古玩、字画为标的的保险合同。 C.运输工具航程保险合同。 D.责任保险合同。 [单项选择]离心泵的轴封装置分为()。
A. 填料密封和机械密封两种 B. 填料密封和静环密封 C. 填料密封和动环密封 D. 机械密封和端面密封 [判断题]线路标志是用来表明铁路建筑物及设备的状态或位置以及表示各级管理机构管界等的标志。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在SF6配电装置室低位区应安装能报警的氧量仪和SF6气体泄漏报警仪,在工作人员入口处应装设显示器。上述仪器应( ),保证完好。
A.A.定期检验 B.B.不定期检验 C.C.专人巡视检查 D.D.定期更换 [单选题]盾构接收施工,工序可分为①洞门清除、②到达段掘进、③接收基座安装与固定、④洞门密封安装、⑤盾构接收。施工程序正确的是( )。
A.①-③-④-②-⑤ B.①-②-③-④-⑤ C.①-④-②-③-⑤ D.①-②-④-③-⑤ [单项选择]