Outwardly you may be on friendly terms
with the people next door, but, if the truth (1) known, you
would not think much of them. Their ways may be (2) enough,
but they are not your ways. It is not hatred, far (3) envy;
neither is it contempt exactly. Only you do not understand why they live as they
(4) . You judge people by their social background. They were
not brought up as you were—not that they are to blame (5)
that, but certain advantages that you had were (6) by them.
Rude noises come from that house next door that you would not (7)
from respectable people. Laughter late (8) night,
when you want to sleep—how coarse door always (9) , and what
a variety of songs! Why do they never try a new one There (10)
be new songs from time to time but you (11) A. more B. less C. much D. little [单选题]单消防部门实施消防监督检查的范围是( )。
A.机关、团体、企业、事业单位和有固定经营场所且具有一定规模的个体工商户 B.机关、团体、企业、事业单位 C.机关、团体、企业、事业单位、军事设施 D.机关、团体、企业、事业单位、军事设施、森林、草原 [单项选择]关于四物汤的组成,哪种说法正确()。
A. 四物汤为胶艾汤去阿胶、艾叶而成 B. 四物汤为胶艾汤去阿胶、艾叶、甘草而成 C. 四物汤为胶艾汤去阿胶、艾叶、生姜而成 D. 四物汤为胶艾汤去阿胶、艾叶、大枣而成 E. 四物汤为胶艾汤去阿胶、艾叶、人参而成 [单选题]压风机风压在( )。
A.15Kpa以下 B.15~200KPa C.200~300KPa以上 D.200KPa以上 [判断题]收款人交存支票填写二联进账单,出票人交存支票也填写二联进账单。()
[单选题] 新安装的电气设备的接地电阻,( )要进行测量。
A.每月 B.每天 C.每季度 D.投入运行前 [单项选择]电容三点式振荡电路中的集电极电阻用来防止集电极输出的()。
A. 直流信号对地短路 B. 交流信号对地短路 C. 直流信号对地断路 D. 交流信号对地断路 [单项选择]65岁女性,跌倒时右手掌着地,腕部疼痛、肿胀、压痛,无反常活动,但餐叉状畸形明显,该患者最可能的诊断是
A. 右舟状骨骨折 B. 右腕关节脱位 C. 右腕柯莱斯(Colle骨折 D. 尺骨茎突骨折 E. 右腕关节挫伤 [单项选择]以下不属于期货周报和月报的基本内容的是()
A. 行情回顾与小结 B. 某期货品种当日的交易量 C. 当期重大事件陈述及其影响评估 D. 免责声明 [填空题]In most cases today the honeymoon is no longer a period for two people to S36 ______ to living with each other, but it is a much-needed period of rest and change after a hectic, S37 ______ pre-wedding S38 ______ . The traditional wedding trip used to last from three to four weeks. In S39 ______ circles, a young couple would often take from four to six months while they made their way S40 ______ around the world on a S41 ______ of ocean S42 ______.
Today’ s average honeymoon lasts two weeks; sometimes it is simply a long weekend. S43 ______ . The place and duration of the honeymoon must depend on the amount of time available and the financial resources of the groom -- for this is his expense, unless, either his or her parents, or both together, are able to give the couple a honeymoon as a wedding gift, or unless the bride and groom agree to split the honeymoon expenses. S44 ______. A lot of give-and-take should go into planning the wedding trip. S45 ______ . It is nice to have good
[单选题]使用钻孔机钻孔前,应发动机器试运转,最少( ),观察机械运转是否正常。
A.10s B.20s C.30s D.40s [填空题]雌激素的受体分布在子宫、阴道、乳房、盆腔(韧带与结缔组织)以及皮肤、膀胱、尿道、()和大脑。
[单选题]可作为片剂肠溶衣物料的是( )。
A.丙烯酸树脂Ⅲ号 B.丙烯酸树脂Ⅳ号 C.羧甲基纤维素钠 D.丙乙烯-乙烯吡啶共聚物 E.羟丙基甲基纤维素 [单选题]在建筑施工中,高处作业主要有临边作业、洞口作业、悬空作业
、 交叉作业、攀登作业等,进行高处作业时, 必须做好必要的安
全防护措施。建筑物或构筑物在施工过程中, 常会出现各种通道
口、上料口、楼梯口、 电梯井口,在其附近工作,称为() 。
A.临边作业 B.洞口作业 C.悬空作业 D.攀登作业 [单项选择]若在Sheet2的C1单元格内输入公式时,需引用Sheetl的A2单元格的数据,正确引用为()。
A. Sheetl!A2 B. Sheet1(A2) C. Sheet1A2 D. Sheetl!(A2) [多选题]变压器在非露空状态下的附件安装,连接管道安装的工作标准有(____)。
A.内部清洁完成 B.管路中阀门操作灵活,开闭位置正确 C.阀门及法兰连接处密封面处理良好 D.所有螺栓紧固力矩值符合产品技术文件要求 [单项选择]职业病是指
A. 与职业有关的疾病 B. 由职业因素引起的疾病 C. 由职业性有害因素直接引起的疾病 D. 在职业活动中由理化因素引起的疾病 E. 由物理、化学、生物因素所引起的疾病 [单项选择]国际保理业务对于进口商的主要好处是()。
A. 节约时间; B. 节省费用; C. 不占用往来银行的授信额度; D. 节省人工; [单项选择]关于T3和T4,下列叙述正确的是()
A. T3的血浆蛋白结合率高于T4 B. T1起效快,作用强 C. T1起效慢,作用持久 D. T1起效快,作用持久 E. T3起效慢,作用弱 [单项选择]
The problem to be taken up and the point at which the search for a solution will begin are customarily prescribed by the investigator (1) a subject participating in an (2) on thinking (or by the programmer for a computer). (3) , prevailing techniques of (4) in the psychology of thinking have invited (5) of the motivational aspects of thinking. The conditions that determine when the person will begin to think in (6) to some other activity, what he will think about, what direction his thinking will take, and when he will regard his search for a solution as successfully terminated (or abandon it as not worth pursuing further) (7) are beginning to attract investigation. (8) much thinking is aimed at (9) ends, special motivational problems are raised by "disinterested" thinking, in which the (10) of an answer to a question is a source of satisfaction in itself. [不定项选择题]A.泻下
A.活血 B.行气 C.收敛 D.补气 E.大黄用量1~5g,可 [填空题]URL的3个组成部分是:______、主机名和路径及文件名。
A. 睾丸 B. 前列腺 C. 精囊腺 D. 附睾和输精管 E. 尿道球腺 [单项选择]滑石除能利尿通淋外,又能
A. 清肺化痰 B. 解毒消肿 C. 通经下乳 D. 清热解暑 E. 健脾止泻 [判断题]吸光光度法是基于物质对光的选择性吸收而建立起来的分析方法。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]低压电气带电工作时,作业范围内电气回路的剩余电流动作保护装置应投入运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列各组鱼种蒸制时需要运用开背取脏法宰杀的是( )。
A.鳜鱼、鲮鱼 B.边鱼、龙利 C.三黎鱼、草鱼 D.生鱼、山斑 我来回答: 提交