American hopes that pressure from the
US will force Japan to suddenly dismantle its trade barriers are almost certain
to evaporate in disappointment. The fact is that Washington faces an obstacle
far more formidable than a few power brokers in Tokyo’s government offices. It’s
not in line with the centuries-old, deep-ingrained Japanese customs. To move the
Japanese government, Washington government must move an entire nation. So far
the US has had only limited success despite congressional threats to retaliate.
In an April 9 nationwide broadcast, Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone urged the
Japanese to buy more imported goods and unveiled a long-awaited three-year plan
to ease import restrictions. But this program was far short of what Washington
hoped to see. White House Chief of Staff Donald Regan said the Japa A. the rapid development of the Japanese economy B. tradition, culture, and a deeply rooted bureaucracy C. the Japanese determination to keep up its surplus D. the Japanese political intentions and their trade policies [多选题]输澳货物的熏蒸/消毒证书,必须根据实际情况在证书的附加声明上注明____之一。
A.该批货物中未使用塑料包裹 B.该批货物在使用塑料包裹前实施熏蒸处理 C.该批货物中使用的塑料包裹符合AQIS溴甲烷熏蒸标准中关于包裹和穿孔的规定 D.该批货物不带有木质包装 [判断题]合格的个人贷款申请人必须是具有完全民事行为能力的自然人。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]项目经理向项目发起人通知了一项重大项目超支。发起人想知道为什么没有较早通知该情况。 在发起人反馈前,项目经理本应采取何种措施来解决该问题?()
A. 制定沟通计划,处理项目干系人的需求 B. 邀请项目发起人参加团队会议,进行定期更新 C. 将意外支出加入项目预算,从而将超支纳入项目成本 D. 消减项目资源以紧急弥补成本超支 [单项选择]销售计划的中心是()。
A. 销售收入计划 B. 销售成本计划 C. 销售费用计划 D. 销售利润计划 [填空题]公交客流调查的方法有:问询法、()、填表发、凭证法和机票发等。根据观测地点不同,观测调查可以分为()、随车观测法和驻站观测法。
[多项选择]下列关于直方图的应用程序叙述正确的有( )。
A. 收集数据信息,确定数据中的极值L B. 确定所画直方图的分组的组数K及每组宽度,每组宽度由极值除以组数得到 C. 统计频数,列频数分布表 D. 画横坐标与纵坐标,横坐标按频数比例画,纵坐标按数据值来画 E. 按纵坐标画出每个矩形的高度,代表落在此矩形中的发生次数 [判断题]税金是指国家税法规定应计入建筑装饰工程造价内的营业税、城市维护建设税及教育附加费。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]