Scientists have long struggled to understand what lies at the planet’s center. Direct observation of its center is impossible, so researchers must {{U}} (51) {{/U}} to other evidence. In 1889, a German scientist detected a severe earthquake in Japan. Geophysicists concluded that shock waves {{U}} (52) {{/U}} jolts (晃动) from one side of Earth through the center to the other side. Then in 1936, Danish geophysicist lnge Lehmann studied the waves’ {{U}} (53) {{/U}} to determine that within Earth’s core of molten (熔化了的) iron lies a solid inner core - but {{U}} (54) {{/U}} that core was made of eluded (难倒) her. Other geophysicists quickly determined that Lehmann’s inner core was composed mostly {{U}} (55) {{/U}} iron. Since then, Lehmann’ A. from B. within C. of D. to [判断题]CRH2A型动车组设置一套辅助制动装置作为备用,在EP阀、中继阀等部件出现故障时使用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]对供电免责条款采用足以引起对方注意的文字、符号、字体等(____)标示(如加黑)。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]工程监理文件资料组卷时,可以按()组卷。
A.单位工程 B.分部工程 C.专业 D.文件的形成单位 E.阶段 [单选题]普通肝素在血液透析结束前( )停止追加
A.30min B.60min C.30--60min D.1--2小时 E.20--40min [填空题]无缝线路长轨条因钢轨重伤,折断进行废处理时,应确保修复后( )不变.
[单选题]住院病人病历首页是( )
A.住院病历封面 B.入院记录 C.体温单 D.长期医嘱单 E.病程记录 [单选题]《医师定期考核管理办法》规定:医师考核周期为( )
A.半年 B.1年 C.2年 D.3年 E.4年 我来回答: 提交