Landslides happen when large amounts of rock, mud
and other loose materials are suddenly uprooted and sent sliding down a slope.
This might be caused by an earthquake or it might happen after a heavy rain or
when soil becomes waterlogged after a fall of snow. As the material loses its grip and begins to move down the slope it gathers speed and sweeps up more material with devastating results. Nepal suffers from frequent landslides because the hillsides have been stripped of trees. When it rains the water soaks into the soil and this slides down the mountainside. The worst landslide in Wales’ history came about with the collapse of an artificial mountain on 21 October 1966. A 250-metre high mountain of waste material from the local coal mine had been piled up outside the village of Aberfan. Two million tons of ro A. backward protection of plants B. over-felling of trees C. the frequent flood D. the avalanche of alps [多选题]化学氧消防自救呼吸器适用于 场所。
A.酒店 B.医院 C.高层居民住宅 D.客运车站 E.办公楼 [单选题]囚犯及其押送者应最后上飞机,第一个下飞机
A.是 B.否 [单项选择]《营销之星荣誉激励管理办法》中,将“营销之星”荣誉称号分为了五个级别,其中由总公司组织评选并兑现激励举措的是()。
A. 钻石 B. 白金 C. 五星 D. 三星 [单项选择]关于碳循环,下列说法错误的是______。
A. 不依赖于水 B. 需要能量驱动 C. 产生温室气体 D. 具有全球性 [简答题]杨某(男,32周岁)、胡某(男,24周岁)二人合谋入室行窃。某日在沈阳市皇姑区一居民住宅中偷盗时,被事主周某撞见,周某大声呼救并欲制止二人,杨某持尖刀刺伤周某后与胡某一起逃窜至沈河区,在沈河区杨某又将一追赶群众刺死,随后二人被民警抓获。侦查机关询问了被害人周某和目击群众,勘查了现场,查验了周某伤情和被害群众的尸体,并对伤害情况和尸体情况作了法医鉴定,提取了作案用的螺丝刀和尖刀各一把。二犯罪嫌疑人对上述犯罪事实供认不讳。分析上述案例,请回答下列问题:该案已经收集到了哪些证据?其分别属于法定证据的哪一种?
[判断题]SD01CG003096三相绕组变压器的额定容量是指容量最大的那个绕组的容量。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交