{{B}}Survey Finds Many Women Misinformed about Cancer{{/B}} Sixty-three percent of American women think that if there’s no family history of cancer, you’re not likely to develop the disease, a new survey found. In fact, most people who develop cancer have no family history of cancer, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) (美国妇产科医师学会), Which sponsored the survey. "Too many women are dying from cancer," Dr. Douglas W. Laube, ACOG’s immediate past president, said during a Friday teleconference. "An estimated 200,070 women will die in the U. S. this year, and over 600,078 women will be diagnosed with cancer. The results of this survey found a worrisome (令人担扰的) gap i [判断题]某套地层在地表呈现出有规律的重复,则由该套地层组成的构造是断层构造。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]补贴有什么作用?
[简答题]EI32-JD型计算机联锁在采用DOS操作系统的操作表示机中,显示界面上没有上电解按钮,在全场锁闭状态下,必须使用 进行解锁。
A. 甲状腺危象 B. 气管塌陷 C. 急性化脓性腮腺炎 D. 颞下颌关节病 E. 败血症 [单项选择]关于应用程序窗口的说法,不正确的是()
A. 应用程序窗口的第一行为标题栏 B. 应用程序一般都在窗口标题栏的左边设置一个图标 C. 在应用程序窗口标题栏的右端一般有三个按钮,分别是"恢复"、"关闭"、"移动" D. 在应用程序窗口标题栏的右端一般有三个按钮,分别是"最小化"、"最大化"(或"还原")、"关闭" [单选题]大雨雷电、大风大浪等恶劣天气禁止开展( )工作
A.室外 B.室内 C.检修 D.临水 [判断题]井壁取心记录表中的编号用阿拉伯数字,按由深至浅的井深顺序依次编号。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]在中性点不接地的3~10KV系统中,当单相接地电流不大于( )安时,可不装设消弧线圈。
[单选题]1.5 车辆管理所办理机动车驾驶证业务时,_____、资料审查,应当由民警承担或者由文职、聘用人员按照规定在民警监督下执行。
A.业务导办 B.业务受理 C.制作证件 D.档案整理 [填空题]
{{B}} A = Li Yulin B = Wang Ying C = Lin Hong D = Wang Baozhan Who said that...{{/B}} {{B}}
Li Yulin{{/B}} The terrible earthquake still lingers in the memory of Li Yulin even after 30 years. Li, 72, at that time Vice Chairman of the trade union of Tangshan Coalmine, returned home at 11 on the night of July 27, 1976. He was awakened when the earth thundered. "The sound was so frightening that it still get me trembling when I recalled it," Li noted. He said he realized it was an earthquake and immediately pulled his wife down, and they laid flat on their faces beside the bed. "We were tossed in the air because of the violent shaking, and our nerves were frazzled," Li recalled. In less than 20 seconds, the house collapsed. A wardrobe supported the fallen roof, however, Li managed to pull his wife and three children out of the house. Finding a [单项选择]优化资产负债结构是属于()风险管理。
A. 资产质量 B. 关联交易 C. 操作 D. 流动性 [单项选择]用下列哪种药物治疗最合适
A. 西地兰 B. 速尿 C. 氨茶碱 D. 阿托品 E. 654-2经处理后仍无明显缓解,且连续发作一天多 [多选题] 可共用同一张厂站第一或第二种工作票工作的工作包括()。
A. 厂站设备全部停电的工作 B. 厂站一台主变压器停电检修,其各侧断路器也配合检修,且同时停、送电的工作 C. 厂站设备部分停电的工作 D. 同一电压等级高压配电设备同一类型的不停电工作 [单项选择]合同当事人互负债务,且无先后履行顺序之约定,当事人一方可在对方未履行之前,拒绝对方的履行请求,这被称为( )
A. 先履行抗辩权 B. 同时履行抗辩权 C. 不安抗辩权 D. 先诉抗辩权 [填空题]How did the early people do their counting At first, they did all their counting with small stones. Later, they learned to use their fingers in counting. Since man has ten fingers, the number ten became the (1) of all counting in many parts of the world.
In 1946 the first electronic computers went into (2) . Since its invention the computer has changed greatly, and it has more and more uses. It can (3) people from difficult measurement and computation. There are (4) computations in science and engineering. Scientists are unable to make them, but the computer can do them quickly and (5) . For instance, a spaceship cannot leave the earth and go to the moon without computers. What must the spaceship be like When can it leave Will it be on the right (6) The computer must answer all these questions. In recent years more and more people have used computers not only in production and technology, but also [单项选择]仲裁是当事人自愿将争议交给第三方裁决并负有自动履行义务的一种解决争议的方式。仲裁作出后,( )。
A. 由于仲裁方本身无强制力,当事人可以不执行仲裁结果 B. 一方当事人不服可以申请其他仲裁机构裁决 C. 一方当事人不服可以向人民法院起诉 D. 裁决结果立即生效,当事人不得再申请仲裁或向人民法院起诉 [简答题]A公司,法定代表人为王五,客户范围为公司,股东占比情况:张三10%,李四5%,B公司80%。B公司股东占比情况:张三30%,李四40%,王五20%。请问A公司的受益所有人并注明股权占比?( )
A. 1118 B. 1384 C. 1666 D. 1676 [单项选择]气管插管全身麻醉中,如发生支气管哮喘,需加深麻醉最好是用哪些药物()
A. 丙泊酚 B. 芬太尼 C. 舒芬太尼 D. 氯胺酮 E. 依托咪酯 [判断题]2.77 由车辆制造厂为某个单独车型指定的年份,若实际生产周期不跨年,车型年份应与历法年份一致,若实际生产周期跨年,车型年份应包括且仅包括其指定年份代码对应的历法年份的6月1日。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]发生在指甲两旁的疔疮,称为
A. 蛇头疔 B. 沿爪疔 C. 蛇腹疔 D. 蛇背疔 E. 蛇眼疔 我来回答: 提交