In colonial days, huge flocks of snowy
egrets inhabited coastal wetlands and marshes of the southeastern United States.
In the 1800s, when fashion dictated fancy hats adorned with feathers, egrets and
other birds were hunted for their plumage. By the late 1800s, egrets were almost
extinct. In 1886 the newly formed Audubon Society began a press campaign to
shame feather wearers and end the terrible folly. The campaign caught on, and
gradually, attitudes changed and new laws followed. Florida and Texas were the first states to pass laws protecting such birds. Then, in 1900, the United States Congress passed the Lacey Act, forbidding interstate commerce to deal in illegally killed wildlife, making it more difficult for hunters to sell their kill. Since then, numerous wildlife refuges have been established to protect the birds’ feeding habitats. A. (A) Predatory birds began eating the eggs of falcons and eagles. B. (B) The use of DDT reduced the amount of food available in the falcon and eagle habitat. C. (C) Falcons and eagles could no longer find materials to build their nests when the use of DDT was discontinued. D. (D) Falcons and eagles that had consumed food containing DDT laid eggs with defective shells. [单选题]LFB21062风电机组工作过程中,能量的转化顺序是( )。
A.风能—动能—机械能—电能 B.动能—风能—机械能—电能 C.动能—机械能—电能—风能 D.机械能—风能—动能—电能 [单选题]所间区间:两线路所间或线路所与车站间,以该线上的( )信号机柱的中心线为所间区间的分界线。设有进站信号机的线路所,所间区间的分界方法与站间区间相同。(技规)
A.预告 B.进站 C.通过 [单项选择]在线电子支付的手段包括_______。
A. 电子支票、智能信用卡、电子现金和电子钱包等等 B. 电子转账、智能信用卡、电子现金和电子钱包等等 C. 电子转账、VISA卡、电子现金和电子钱包等等 D. 电子转账、VISA卡、电子现金和电子单证等等 [单选题] 抽提装置蒸汽进行消过热处理的目的是( )。
A.提高蒸汽品质 B.降低蒸汽流量 C.降低蒸汽温度,防止溶剂过热分解 D.便于控制 [判断题]由键盘送入计算机的按键代码是ASCII码。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]位于南太平洋,一排列整齐的数百座巨石人头雕像而闻名的岛屿叫什么?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]个人持票人向本行提示付款或支取现金的,应在银行本票背面“持票人向银行提示付款签章”处签章,记载本人有效身份证件名称号码及发证机关,并交验本人有效身份证件及其复印件。柜面经办人员审核无误后办理转账或者支付现金。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]2.2公安机关交通管理部门应当依法对机动车安全技术检验机构出具虚假检验结果情况进行监督管理。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交