Section Ⅰ Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. ( 10 Points) Health care is an extraordinarily obsolete system. A professor of emergency medicine at major university sent me a really heartbreaking (1) lie said that physicians have to start from the (2) beginning with every patient. There is no history, no time to (3) -- they know nothing about the (4) We have inferior medical service (5) the computer technology that could change it is not being used. The difficulties of just (6) patient records -- apart from analyzing them (7) -- are unnecessary and hinder us from providing (8) service. We have the opportunity to do some wholesale rethinking of (9) we provide health care and turn it into not only medical service, but preventive maintenance that (10) the patient in decision- making. We can begin
A. quickly
B. rapidly
C. properly
D. really
Indians always shake (摇) their heads
when they talk to others. {{U}} (41) {{/U}}does not have the same meaning
{{U}} (42) {{/U}} "no". If someone wants to visit India, {{U}} (43)
{{/U}} should know this, {{U}} (44) {{/U}} it will give him some
trouble. One day, a foreign officer went to India on business. He hired (雇佣) a car and an Indian to drive it. When he {{U}} (45) {{/U}} the driver to send him to his office, the driver shook his {{U}} (46) {{/U}} at once. The officer repeated his order, and the driver {{U}} (47) {{/U}} so again. At last, the officer, of course, got {{U}} (48) {{/U}} {{U}} (49) {{/U}}dare you refuse (拒绝) my order " he shouted. "Drive me to office immediately!" The driver answered {{U}} (50) {{/U}} quite a loud voice, too. "Yes, sir!" But he sti [单项选择]《中国药典》(2000年版)规定对乙酰氨基酚中有关物质的检查方法是
A. HPLC B. GC C. TLC D. 比色法 E. 比浊度法 [单项选择]开始服役的火电机组,若二氧化硫排放未达排放标准或未达到排放总量许可要求、剩余寿命(按照设计寿命计算)低于10年的,可采取( )或其他具有同样二氧化硫减排效果的措施,实现达标排放,并满足二氧化硫排放总量控制要求。
A. 低硫煤替代 B. 烟气脱硫设施 C. 烟气脱氮设施 D. 中硫煤替代 [单选题]低压开关(熔丝)拉开(取下)后,应在适当位置悬挂“禁止合闸,有人工作!”或“禁止合闸,线路有人工作!”标示牌。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]钢轨的侧面磨耗在钢轨踏面(按标准断面)下()处测量。
A. 13mm B. 16mm C. 20mm D. 23mm [填空题]膝关节由______( )__、__( )_______和__( )________组成。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]公司品牌是以南网文化理念为核心的企业文化建设所形成的品牌形象。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]金属冶炼建设项目应当经安全生产监管部门组织验收合格后,方可投入生产和使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Though it is becoming increasingly easy to move from place to place, our inability to communicate with one another gives rise to numerous misunderstandings and makes real contact between people of different nationalities impossible. Many attempts have been made to overcome this problem, but they have all failed. The fear of foreign influence and domination rules out the universal acceptance of any one of the existing major languages.
Linguists(语言学家) have succeeded in making their artificial languages extremely simple so that they would be easy to learn, but their efforts seemed doomed from the start. The reason for this is that there is no real incentive (动机) to learn an artificial language. There is nothing to guarantee that everybody is willing to make efforts; there is no assurance that the learner will have an adequate return for his toil. When people today undertake to learn a foreign language, they are not interested only in speaking it. Mastery of a language makes avai A. Artificial language is extremely demanding. B. People may not be rewarded for their efforts. C. Artificial language can only be spoken. D. People desire greatest returns by smallest efforts. [填空题]从动机的生理基础来看,动机最佳水平应是{pz_填空}程度的激活或唤起,此时对学习具有最佳效果。
[单选题]在微机装置的检验过程中,如必须使用电烙铁,应使用专用电烙铁,并将电烙铁与保护屏(柜)( )。
A.在同一点接地 B.分别接地 C.只需保护屏(柜)接地 D.只需电烙铁接地 我来回答: 提交