Greysteel, Northern Ireland--Protestant
(新教的) gunmen shouting "trick or treat" walked into a Northern Irish shop
and killed at least seven people to avenge (报仇) the bombing of a protestant
shop one week ago. Eleven people were wounded, several seriously, when the two gunmen walked into the crowded Rising Sun pub in Greysteel, some 120 kilometres northeast of Belfast, carrying guns. It is said that they went near a frightened teenage girl and one made the old "trick or treat" greeting that children worldwidely use to get sweets from their neighbours. "I don’ t think that’s funny," she replied, then she was shot down. The dead included an 82-year-old man, a 52-year-old woman and the 19-year-old girl who had received the "trick or treat" offer. The shooting brought the death since Saturday’s IRA Belfast bombing to A. 23 persons lost their lives B. protestants took away seven lives C. more than twice attacks happened to Belfast D. most of the dead were Catholics [判断题]油气勘探开发主管部门负责落实污染防治技术措施,组织现场环保交接,对本单位钻井、作业中的污染治理效果负责。()
[单项选择]I'd like to ______ a single room with shower for this weekend.
A. fix B. settle C. appoint D. book [多项选择]根据《奖励条令》第11条的规定,下列选项中属于个人奖励条件的有( )。
A. 依法行政,文明管理,提高办事效率和工作质量,成绩突出的 B. 爱岗敬业,保持良好作风,认真完成各项工作任务,成绩突出的 C. 见义勇为,舍己救人,积极参加抢险救灾,保护国家和人民群众生命财产安全,成绩突出的 D. 热情为群众服务,做好事,办实事,成绩突出的 [单选题]以下不是黄金价格的因素是( )。
A.供求关系及均衡价格 B.通货膨胀 C.利率 D.经济增长水平 [判断题]在赶料线时,为了防止炉况不顺,可适当调整装料制度,以疏松边沿。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]《个人信用信息基础数据库管理暂行办法》是由中国人民银行制定并自( )年10月1日起实施。
A. 2004 B. 2005 C. 2006 D. 2007 [判断题] 切记不可把水倒进硫酸里。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]留置送达应符合哪些规定?
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]A公司资料如下: 资料一:资产负债表 2009年12月31日 单位:万元