Chris Baildon, tall and lean, was in
his early thirties, and the end product of an old decayed island
family. Chris shared the too large house with his father, an arthritic and difficult man, and a wasp-tongued aunt, whose complaints ended only when she slept. The father and his sister, Chris’s Aunt Agatha, engaged in shrill-voiced arguments over nothing. The continuous exchanges further confused their foolish wits, and yet held off an unendurable loneliness. They held a common grievance against Chris, openly holding him to blame for their miserable existence. He should long ago have lifted them from poverty, for had they not sacrificed everything to send him to Eng-land and Oxford University Driven by creditors or pressing desires, earlier Baildons had long ago cheaply disposed of valuabl A. Because he did not restore their prosperity. B. Because he did not succeed at Oxford University. C. Because he neglected the family property. D. Because he showed no interest in the family history. [单选题]He apologized for having failed to assess the extent of corruption and _______of power.
A.abuse B.damage C.mistreat D.injure [判断题]消防救援机构统一组织和指挥火灾现场扑救,应当优先保障财产安全。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,女性,73岁,局部麻醉下行体表脂肪瘤切除术。注入麻醉药后8分钟,患者出现中毒表现,其中毒原因不包括()
A. 麻醉药用量过大 B. 局麻药中未加入肾上腺素 C. 患者精神紧张 D. 局部血供丰富,而局麻药未减量 E. 高龄,机体耐受力差 [多选题]《建设工程质量管理条例》中所称建设工程,是指( )。
A.土木工程 B.建筑工程 C.线路管道和设备安装工程 D.装修工程 [判断题]正当防卫明显超过必要限度造成重大损害的,应当负刑事责任,但是应当减轻或者免除处罚。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]座地式全玻幕墙适用于高度不超过( )的墙面。
A. 4.0m B. 4.5m C. 4.6m D. 4.1m [多选题] 在什么情况下联合体投标及联合体各方投标均无效:( )
A.采购公告载明允许以联合体形式投标,供应商组成联合体形式投标的 B.采购公告未载明是否允许联合体形式投标,供应商组成联合体形式投标的 C.联合体及联合体中各方以自己的名义参与的 D.联合体中各方又加入到其他联合体,在同一合同项下投标的 E.采购公告载明不接受以联合体形式投标,供应商组成联合体形式投标的 [单项选择]遗传的物质基础是()
A. 基因 B. 线粒体 C. 染色体 D. 生殖细胞 E. 脱氧核糖核酸 [判断题]在积水、结露的地下有限空间作业,手持照明电压应不大于24V。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Going on a Diet
A typical person needs about 1,800 calories per day to stay alive.These calories keep your heart ______(51)and your lungs breathing.They keep your organs operating______(52)and your brain running.They also keep your body warm.A person______(53)weight because he or she takes in more calories per day than needed.The only way to lose fat is to______(54)the number of calories that you take in per day.This is the basic______(55)behind going on a diet. ______(56),diets don't work for most people.They do lose weight but then_______(57)the diet and put it back.Building a sensible diet and exercise plan is the key to______(58)a consistent weight.You need to figure out how many calories you need in a day and how many you______(59)take in.The next step is to add exercise so that you can______(60)the number of calories you can consume per day. Exercise charts can show you how many calories different_______(61)of exercise can burn.Burning 250 or 500 calories per day can______(62)a big difference.You can ride an exercise bike while you are watching TV or you can_(63)the stairs instead of the elevator.Find an exercise______(64). Exercise can be a lot easier if there is someone to talk to.It's a good idea to wear firm-fitting clothes if you are on a diet.______(65)clothing acts as a reminder of what you are trying to accomplish. 65._________ A.Tight B.Loose C.Casual D.Formal [单选题]在配电装置上,接地线应装在该装置( )的规定地点,应去除这些地点的油漆或绝缘层,并划有黑色标记。
A.导电部分 B.绝缘部分 C.裸露部分 D.检修部分 [判断题]光学合像水平仪与框式水平仪比较,测量精度和量程均高于框式水平仪。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]小明的母亲让孩子上午学习汉语拼音,晚上学习英文字母,结果小明经常混淆两者的发音。这一学习迁移现象属于
A.正迁移 B.负迁移 C.高路迁移 D.一般迁移 [单选题]下列关于装卸爆破器材的说法,错误的是( )
A.认真检查运输工具的完好状况 B.遇暴雨天气,应小心装卸爆破器材 C.设置警卫,无关人员不允许在场 D.装卸爆破器材的地点应远离人口稠密区并设明显标识 [单选题]单选题:( )在扶手带下方,安装在扶手带与围裙板之间的装饰护板。
A.护壁板 B.围裙板 C.梳齿板 D.梯级 [简答题]立板前的检查工作
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