[听力原文]Ladies and gentlemen, Now let me answer your last question: How to succeed in a job interview The most important thing is that you should arrive on time; being late is not polite. You should also get dressed properly and neatly. Good manners are equally important. Don’t be too proud, neither too shy. What’s more, you should not be nervous, because it may affect your performance. Being confident can bring you to success. Finally, be honest about yourself and never tell a lie, for honesty is the best policy. All in all, doing well in a job interview means a good chance of being employed. Wish you success in your job interview.
Why does the speaker think being confident in a job interview is also important Because it can bring you to() Good teachers matter. This may seem
obvious to anyone who has a child in school or, for that matter, to anyone who
has been a child in school. For a long time, though, researchers couldn’t
actually prove that teaching talent was important. But new research finally
shows that teacher quality is a close cousin to student achievement: A great
teacher can cram one-and-a-half grades’ worth of learning into a single year,
while laggards are lucky to accomplish half that much. Yet, while we know now that better teachers are critical, flaws in the way that administrators select and retain them mean that schools don’t always hire the best. Failing to recognize the qualities that make teachers truly effective and to construct incentives to attract and retain more of these top performers has serious consequences. Higher salaries draw more w A. It’s always true that teachers’ quality is important. B. Salaries in school are higher than those in other industries. C. The average quality of the teachers in America is declining. D. Administrators have many effective ways to choose best teachers. [单项选择]男性,48岁,入急诊室诊断为急性弥漫性化脓性腹膜炎48小时,病因不明,查体:BP80/100mmHg,P100次/分,神志清,面色苍白,四肢湿冷,心肺听诊未闻及异常,腹平坦,全腹均有压痛,反跳痛(+),肌紧张(+),肠鸣音弱。病人出现休克,原因为()。
A. 大量毒素的吸收 B. 大量液体丧失于腹腔 C. 中毒性心肌炎 D. 毒素吸收和血容量减少 E. 急性呼吸衰竭 [填空题]【填空】在原工作票的停电及安全措施范围内增加( )时,应由工作负责人征得工作票签发人和工作许可人( ),并在工作票上增填工作项目。若需变更或增设安全措施,应填用新的工作票,并重新履行签发、许可手续。
A. 贫血 B. 偏头痛 C. 三叉神经痛 D. 脑供血不足 E. 脑外伤后遗症 [单选题]儿童新鲜尿沉渣镜检时,每高倍视野下红细胞数应少于
A.5个 B.2个 C.1个 D.3个 E.4个 [单项选择]洁净的空气中,氧气约占( )。
A. 10% B. 16% C. 21% D. 23% [判断题]岗位操作人员发现电机运行中冒烟或电缆着火,应立即停车,联系电工停电,视火势情况进行灭火。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,男,61岁。头痛,关节疼痛,不慎摔伤,右膝关节肿痛。首选药组是()
A. 桃仁 B. 赤芍 C. 当归 D. 川芎 E. 黄芪 [单选题]钩提杆
A.钩提杆 B.钩锁铁 C.下锁销 D.钩舌推铁 [单选题]中央油箱供油时,大翼油箱泵是否运转?
A.是的,大翼油箱泵总是运转 B.不,只在中央油箱空的时候 C.不,因为中央油箱泵优先 [单选题]( )是指那些能够为客户提供理财规划服务的业务人员,以及其他与个人理财业务销售和管理活动紧密相关的专业人员,而非一般性业务咨询人员。
A.投资咨询人员 B.商业银行个人理财业务人员 C.投资顾问 D.服务人员 [判断题]天窗是指列车运行图中不铺画列车运行线或调整、抽减列车运行线为施工和维修作业预留的时间,按用途分为施工天窗和维修天窗。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]单笔金额超过项目总投资( )%或超过( )万元人民币的贷款资金支付,应采用贷款人受托支付方式(合同中明确约定)
A.1100 B.3300 C.3500 D.5500 [判断题]电缆输送机用凹形橡胶带夹紧电缆,预压弹簧调节对电缆的压力,使之对电缆产生一定的推力。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]近年来,网约车成为一种十分便捷的大众出行方式,网约车的安全问题也引起了社会的广泛关注。为了有效预防利用网约车实施违法犯罪行为,公安机关开展的以下活动,做法正确的是:
A.将网约车车主信息向社会公布,以供监督 B.通过新媒体向市民推送出行安全注意事项 C.要求登记在册的所有网约车停业整顿 D.责令平台加强对网约车的监管 [多选题]在相同检验弯矩下配置的预应力电杆相比普通电杆的优势有( )。
A.耐外力冲击; B. 重量轻; C. 裂纹少; D.各方向受力平衡; E.造价低。 [单选题]关于稳定蛋白质分子三级结构的作用力,其中错误的是
A.疏水作用 B.离子键 C.氢键 D.范德华力 E.肽键 我来回答: 提交