The origin of man is an extremely
controversial issue. Scientists have a host of different theories pertaining to
man’s inhabitancy of earth. Many{{U}} (67) {{/U}}arise between
scientists who have different beliefs about how mankind arose. One such argument
is the conflict{{U}} (68) {{/U}}the theory of evolution versus the
theory of creation. After{{U}} (69) {{/U}}scientific researches in
various field, it is{{U}} (70) {{/U}}that the theory of evolution is
correct. Life arose by natural{{U}} (71) {{/U}}at an early stage of the
earth’s history and{{U}} (72) {{/U}}organisms developed from simpler
organisms by slow changes. In other words, new species arise from older species
after thousands of years of{{U}} (73) {{/U}}chemical, environmental, and
genetic change. Evolution can also be{{U}} (74) {{/U}}as the complex
processes by which A. alternated B. modified C. switched D. substituted [单项选择]
Seven years ago, when I was visiting Germany, I met with an official who explained to me that the country had a perfect solution to its economic problems. Watching the U. S. economy (1) during the 90s, the Germans had decided that they, too, needed to go the high-technology (2) . But how In the late 90s, the answer seemed obvious. Indians.(3) all, Indian entrepreneurs accounted for one of every three Silicon Valley start-ups. So the German government decided that it would (4) Indians to Germany just as America does: by (5) green cards. Officials created something Galled the German Green Card and (6) that they would issue 20, 000 in the first year. (7) , the Germans expected that tens of thou sands more Indians would soon be begging to come, and perhaps the (8) would have to be in creased. But the program was a failure. A year later (9) half of the 20,000 cards had been issued. After a few extensions, the program was (10) . [单选题]阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池组实存容量不低于标称容量( )。
A.60% B.70% C.80% D.90% [多项选择]哪段硬膜外间隙易出现单侧阻滞现象()
A. 腰段 B. 下胸段 C. 中胸段 D. 上胸段 E. 颈段 [单选题]某内部审计师在即将完成审计业务时,发现某部门经理有赌博的习惯。这一发现与此次的审计业务无直接关系,而且此次审计业务马上就要结束。内部审计师注意到这个问题并向首席审计官报告了相关信息,但没有采取进一步的行动。该内部审计师的行为:Ⅰ.违反了IIA的《职业道德规范》关于不得隐瞒重要信息的规定。Ⅱ.违反了《标准》,因为该内部审计师没有在出现可能表示存在舞弊的危险信号时开展恰当的跟踪工作。Ⅲ.既没有违反IIA的《职业道德规范》,也没有违反《标准》。( )
A.只有Ⅰ是对的 B.只有Ⅱ是对的 C.只有Ⅲ是对的 D.只有Ⅰ和Ⅱ是对的 [单项选择]健康教育计划设计包括
A. 流行病学调查 B. 需求评估 C. 计划、实施及评价 D. 管理和政策诊断 E. 组织实施 [单选题]优质的脆皮面包()。
A.外皮松软 B.外皮松脆 C.内质松脆 D.内质柔软 [单选题]执勤人员在车体检查时对暴露在外部的车体部位检查常用的方法是以下哪一种?( )
A.看 B.问 C.听 D.扫 [填空题]铁路道砟产品必须水洗,其颗粒表面清洁度不应大于(),未经水洗的一级道砟中粒径0.1mm以下的粉末的含量不应大于()。
[多选题]根据互感器的工作原理,可分为( )电压互感器。
A.电磁式 B.电子式 C.电容式 D.光电式 [单选题]道德是( )。
A.人和市场都具有的行为规范 B.是规定人们的权利和义务的行为规范 C.是一定社会阶级向人们提出的处理人与人、人与社会、人与自然之间关系的行为规范 D.是随阶级、国家的消亡而消亡的特殊行为规范 [单项选择]一个29岁的孕39周的妇女,G2P1,以前因子宫肌瘤而不孕,在分娩的第二产程中,出现胎心音过缓和阴道流血,胎头以前在坐骨棘下+2位置,现在上升到坐骨棘上-3,下面的哪一个是最可能的诊断?()
A. 黏膜下肌瘤 B. 月经过多 C. 子宫破裂 D. 胎盘剥离 E. 胎儿先天性心脏阻塞 [单项选择]脉搏增快一般不出现于()。
A. 甲状腺功能低下 B. 休克 C. 发热 D. 贫血 [多选题]弹簧是一种常用件,其作用有( )。
A.减振 B.夹紧 C.紧固 D.储存能量 我来回答: 提交