There is one difference between the
sexes on which virtually every expert and study agree: Men are more aggressive
than women. It shows up in two-year-olds. It continues through school days and
persists into adulthood. It is even constant across cultures. And there is
little doubt that it is rooted in biology--in the male sex hormone
testosterone. If there’s a feminine trait that’s the counterpart of male aggressiveness, it’s what social scientists awkwardly refer to as "nurturance". Feminists have argued that the nurturing nature of women is not biological in origin, but rather has been drummed into women by a society that wanted to keep them in the home. But the signs that it is at least partly inborn are too numerous to ignore. Just as tiny infant girls respond more readily to human faces, female toddlers learn much faster A. denies the difference sexes make in real life B. treats sex difference objectively C. discourages women to be competitive D. is prejudiced against men [单选题][难度:0.5][分数:1]为了能测量0°~320°之间的任何角度,万能角度尺结构中的直尺和90°角尺可以移动和拆换。当测量角度在140°~230°范围内时,应( )。
A.装上角尺 B.装上直尺 C.装上角尺和直尺 D.不装角尺和直尺 [不定项选择题]A.过敏反应
A.精神症状 B.消化道反应 C.出血倾向 D.脑疝形成 E.护士观察重症脑出血患者的病情变化时,最应该警惕发生的并发症是 [单项选择]以下陈述涉及个人处理财务风险的各种方法,属于转嫁风险的选项是()。
A. 聂先生开设了一个银行存款帐户,月存款1000元,以便在失业或伤残后有所保障 B. 黎女士十分注重饮食,并经常锻炼,以减少患病的可能性 C. 穆女士为自己购买了一份人寿保险,以便自己身故后,也能为家庭提供一定的经济保障 D. 为了免于被动吸烟的损害,尹先生禁止在自己家里和车内吸烟 [填空题]以无地上定着物的土地使用权抵押的,为核发土地使用权证书的县级以上()。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司安全生产禁令》第一条规定:严禁违章指挥.违章作业、违反( )和调度纪律。
A.劳动法 B.劳动纪律 C.组织纪律 D.会议纪律 [判断题]探井分为区域探井、预探井和详探井三类。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]发生需要启动III、IV级应急响应的铁路交通事故时,铁路局事故应急救援领导小组在报告铁路总公司的同时,应按规定抄报事发( )。(应急处置-西铁办(2015)118,附件2,4.2) (职工)
A.地市、县级人民政府 B.地市人民政府 C.县级人民政府 D.省人民政府 [单项选择]于疲劳下列说法正确的是?()
A. 疲劳是为避免机体过于衰弱,防止能量过渡消耗的一种保护性反应 B. 疲劳是由于体力,脑力或情绪的消耗,早能机体能力,反应能力受到削弱的现象 C. 疲劳通常被描述成一种感觉疲劳,萎靡不振,或困乏的状态 D. 以上都对 我来回答: 提交