Looking back on my childhood, I am convinced (1) naturalists are born and not made. Although we were all brought (2) in the same way, my brothers and sisters soon gave up their pressed flowers and insects. (3) them, I had no ear (4) music and languages, I was not an early reader and I could not do mental arithmetic.Before World War I we (5) our summer holidays in Hungary. I have only the memory of the house we lived (6) , of my room and my toys. I can hardly (7) clearly the large family of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who gathered (8) door. But I do have a clear memory of the dogs, the farm (9) , the local birds and, (10) all, the insects.I am a (11) , not a scientist. I have a strong (12) of the natural world, and my enthusiasm has led me into varied investigation. I love discussing my favorite topics and enjoy (13) the midnight oil (14) reading about other people’s observations and discoveries. Then (15) happens that brings these o
A. wish
B. eagerness
C. imagination
D. love
使用Windows2000操作系统的DHCP客户机,如果启动时无法与DHCP服务器通信,它将()。 Theodoric Voler had been brought up,
from infancy to the confines of middle age, by a fond mother whose chief
solicitude had been to keep him screened from what she called the coarser
realities of life. When she died she left Theodoric alone in a world that was as
real as ever, and a good deal coarser than he considered it had any need to be.
To a man of his temperament and upbringing even a simple railway journey was
crammed with petty annoyances and minor discords, and as he settled himself down
in a second- class compartment role September morning he was conscious of
ruffled feelings and general mental discomposure. He had been staying at a country vicarage, the inmates of which had been certainly neither brutal nor bacchanalian, but their supervision of the domestic establishment had been of A. She looked out of the train window. B. She intended to talk with Theoforic. C. She had fallen into a deep sleep. D. She looked at Theoforic up and down. [单选题]超速试验时,汽轮机转子应力比额定转速下约增加( )的附加应力
A.0.2 B.0.25 C.0.3 D.0.15 [单选题]下列哪一项不是根据五行相克规律确立的治法( )
A.金水相生法 B.佐金平木法 C.抑木扶土法 D.培土制水法 E.泻南补北法 [单项选择]工程量清单的封面应由( )填写、签字、盖章。
A. 工程标底审查机构 B. 招标人 C. 工程咨询公司 D. 招投标管理部门 [单项选择]保险专业代理公司不得动用保证金,以下除外情形中错误的是()。
A. 投保符合条件的职业责任保险 B. 有良好的投资机会 C. 注册资本减少 D. 许可证被注销 [单项选择]
A. 肝脏损伤 B. 脾脏损伤 C. 结肠损伤 D. 十二指肠损伤 E. 肾脏损伤 [单项选择]按《机电产品国际招标投标实施办法》规定,对大型设备或成套设备编制投标文件所需的时间应不得少于( )日。
A. 30 B. 40 C. 50 D. 60 [简答题]建筑内消防应急照明和灯光疏散指示标志的备用电源连续供电时间应满足什么要求?[难]
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]数据库服务器支持录音文件、通话记录的集中存储、查询、导入、导出服务。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]行政执法一般以行政机关与相对人双方意思表示为特点。
[多选题]塔片式分解组塔地面组装需用主要工器具( )。
A.方木 B.铁锤 C.撬杠 D.木杠 [单选题]宫内节育器的并发症不包括
A.出血 B.子宫穿孔 C.感染 D.节育器嵌顿 E.节育器异位 我来回答: 提交