Back in the .16th century, political
plays were all about men. Not now. For some time, American female playwrights
have followed the (1) of Wendy Wasserstein, a 50-year-old
Brooklyn-born dramatist, whose work has focused (2) family
drama and personal (3) . Overtly political plays were
considered (4) and unfashionable. But this is no longer so
often the (5) . A new generation of female playwrights (6) tackling such subjects (7) racism, rape and apartheid. The quality of these plays has varied (8) . The best (9) their subjects with nuance and subtlety, while it is the more controversial pr6ductions (10) fall flat. With topical issues now the stuff 0fshallow, made-for-television movies, audiences are looking to the theatre for something more (11) . Rebecca Gilman’s A. which B. that C. what D. who [单项选择]下列元素不是致癌物质的是()
A. 镭 B. 金 C. 铀 D. 氡 E. 钴 [单项选择]能大致区分胸腔积液性质的影像检查方法为()
A. X线 B. CT C. MRI D. CT增强扫描 E. MR增强扫描 [判断题]A-D-K-001 4 1 3
如石料厚度不一致时,也可搭配平砌,但应每高70~120cm找平一次,每段内和两段相接处的垂直错缝均不得小于8cm。砌成行列,统一行列内外不能有贯通的垂直缝。 A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]操作没有机械传动的断路器(开关)、隔离开关(刀闸)或跌落式熔断器,应使用绝缘棒。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]办理ODI业务的企业不能在外汇局资本项目系统中被管控,而且需要取得境外投资主管部门的批准备案文件。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列关于10kV带电作业绝缘斗臂车工频耐压试验说法正确的是()。
A.A.作业斗内斗预防性试验,试验电压45kV,试验时间1min B.B.绝缘上臂(主臂)预防性试验,试验长度为0.4m,试验电压45kV,试验时间1min C.C.作业斗内斗预防性试验,试验电压100kV,试验时间1min D.D.绝缘下臂(套筒)预防性试验,试验电压45kV,试验时间1min [判断题]各级消防救援机构行政负责人是火灾延伸调查的第一责任人。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 现场直埋电缆的走向应按施工总平面布置图的规定,沿主道路或固定建筑物等的边缘直线埋设,埋深不得小于0.7m,并应在电缆紧邻四周均匀敷设不小于50mm厚的细砂,然后覆盖砖或混凝土板等硬质保护层。( ) (1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]综合判定保障对象的重要程度的因素不包括()
A. 任务的来源 B. 任务的性质 C. 影响的层次 D. 影响的时长 [填空题]格伯纳认为,大众传播不仅是现代社会的(),而且是缓和社会各异质部分的矛盾与冲突的(),在这个意义上它还是维护现在制度的文化武器。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交