In the past few decades, remarkable
findings have been made in ethology, the study of animal social behavior.
Earlier scientists had (21) that nonhuman social life was
almost totally instinctive or fixed by genetics. Much more careful observation
has shown that (22) variation occurs among the social ties of
most species, showing that [earning is a part of social life. That is, the
(23) are not solely fixed by the genes. (24)
, the learning that occurs is often at an early age in a process that
is called imprinting. Imprinting is clearly (25) instinctive,
but it is not quite like the learning of humans, it is something in between the
two. An illustration best (26) the nature of imprinting.
Once, biologists thought that ducklings followed the mother duck because of
instincts. Now we know that. shortly (27) A. statues B. statuses C. statutes D. statures [单项选择]展开中消除板厚对()的影响就是板厚处理。
A. 断面 B. 表面 C. 结构 D. 尺寸 [单选题]下列有关传染病潜伏期流行病学意义的说法中,不正确的是
A. 判断患者受感染时间,从而追踪传染源、查找传播途径 B. 决定传染病患者隔离期限的重要依据 C. 确定免疫接种时间 D. 评价预防措施的效果 E. 影响疾病的流行特征 [单选题]固体电介质的厚度增加( )。
A.散热条件变坏,击穿强度也随之下降 B.散热条件变坏,击穿强度不变 C.散热条件变坏,击穿强度增高 D.散热条件不变,但击穿强度下降。 [单选题]下作用车钩钩体须有()。
A.间隙 B.防跳插销 C.防跳插销孔 D.插销 [单选题]【A1型题】"桂枝本为解肌,若其人_____者,不可与之也,常须识此,勿令误也。"
A. 不汗出而烦躁 B. 头痛发热,汗出恶风 C. 脉浮紧,发热,汗不出 D. 恶寒,汗出而喘 E. 发烦,目暝 [单项选择]
患者男,30岁。发作性喘息6年,再发1天就诊。查体:T38.1℃,BP150/80mmHg,呼吸急促,咽红(+)。双肺布满哮鸣音。WBC6.3×109g/L,N78%。该患者最可能的诊断是() A. 急性咽喉炎 B. 急性左心衰竭 C. 原发性支气管癌 D. 支气管哮喘急性发作 E. 慢性喘息性支气管炎急性发作 [单项选择]直观行动思维所用的工具主要是()。
A. 感知和表象 B. 表象和动作 C. 表象和概念 D. 感知和动作 我来回答: 提交