Some sleep drugs do more than make you
sleep The United States Food and Drug Administration(美国食品及药品管理局) has ordered com panies to place strong new warnings on thirteen drugs that treat sleep disorders. It also ordered the makers of the sleeping pills to provide information for patients explaining how to safely use the drugs. Last Wednesday, the FDA announced that some of these drugs can have unexpected and dangerous effects. These include the risk of life-threatening allergic(过敏性的) reactions. They also include rare incidents of strange behavior. These include people cooking food, eating and even driving while asleep. The patients later had no memory of doing these activities while asleep. Last year, [单项选择]将大蒜素制成微囊主要是为了()
A. 提高药物的疗效 B. 掩盖药物的不良嗅味 C. 防止药物在胃内失活或减少对胃的刺激性 D. 控制药物释放速率 E. 使药物浓集于靶区 [判断题]( )整修道口属于轨枕大修内容。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]国家能源局依据(),切实履行电力行业安全生产监督管理责任。
A.电力行业规程规范 B.国家法律法规 C.部门职责 D.国家法律法规和部门职责 [单选题]不属于体温生理性变化的是
A.年龄 B.昼夜 C.性别 D.药物 E.疾病 [单选题]防火门应具有自闭功能。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]四显示自动闭塞区段,进站色灯信号机显示一个绿色灯光和一个黄色灯光时,准许列车按规定速度经道岔直向位置进入站内,表示次一架信号机经道岔直向位置开放一个绿灯。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]北京某厂供销科科长甲受厂长乙的委托,前往四川成都市,追索该市某公司欠的货款,协商未成,甲于是向成都某人民法院起诉,同时委托甲的朋友丙代理继续向该公司追讨货款。丙应该如何办理( )
A. 要求甲写个委托书,写明按照乙的委托授权范围,进行代理 B. 要求甲先征求乙的同意,请乙写个委托书,明确授权范围,进行代理 C. 要求甲出示乙给甲的委托书,按照乙给甲的委托书授权范围,进行代理 D. 要求甲写个委托书,并给付一定报酬,然后按照委托书授权范围,进行代理 [简答题]简述职能制的特征。
[单选题]喷射式熔断器拉线断股时,( )。
A.必须更换熔断器 B.不能只更换熔丝 C.更换拉线 D.可以只更换熔丝 [判断题]行政赔偿程序中,赔偿请求人要求赔偿应当先向赔偿义务机关提出,也可以在申请行政复议和提起行政诉讼时一并提出。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Los Angeles Weekly Magazine
What’s Next for Water By Jonathan Turner We are in the middle of one of the worst water shortages of the past forty years. The unusually hot weather and the lack of rainfall mean water is now in extremely short supply. As well as following the official restrictions in place at this time, it is important that we all use water sensibly. Here is what you can do to help us manage the situation: Don’t use fresh water to wash your car Don’t sprinkle water on your garden or lawn Make sure your washing machine is full when you use it Take showers instead of baths Remember also that forecasters predict this weather will be present throughout the rest of the summer which is just starting. Los Angeles citizens are asked to work together to ensure that we can meet reasonable water needs while not overusing this precious part of nature. What is the main topic of the article A. The development of infrastructure B. The penalties for misusing land C. The sale of new home appliances D. The conservation of resources [简答题]目前肉仔鸡饲养时间是几周?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在对Quidway路由器进行升级时,应选择超级终端的参数是()。
A. 数据位为8位,奇偶校验无,停止位为1.5位 B. 数据位为8位,奇偶校验有,停止位为1.5位 C. 数据位为8位,奇偶校验无,停止位为1位 D. 数据位为8位,奇偶校验有,停止位为2位 [单选题]水下气割又称为()。(1.0分)
A. 氧-弧水下热切割 B. 氧-可燃气热切割 C. 金属-电弧水下热切割 [判断题]持续人工办理列车折返进路时,须中心控制
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]城市规划组织编制和审批管理是政府( )的体现。
A. 立法 B. 意志 C. 组织 D. 动态 [填空题]二氧化碳分子若看成是刚性的,它有()个自由度,每个自由度上的能量是()
A. 压迫喉返神经 B. 气管受压 C. 刺激胸膜 D. 刺激支气管黏膜 E. 引起急性肺水肿 我来回答: 提交