In fact, there was hardly any activity or social event that could not be set to Music. Weddings, births, christening, funerals, picnics, parades-- 21 had their musical accompaniment.
After the American Civil War (1860-1865), the Negroes had gained their freedom and were ready 22 a new type of music, 23 that would preserve their musical traditions but be fast and happy 24 their 25 freedom. They wanted something they could play as professional musicians for both black and white audiences. Jazz was the answer. It combined themes from Negro work songs, spirituals and blues, set to a fast beat, 26 the musicians improvising (即兴而作) as they went along, like the funeral marching bands. To be good, a musician had not only to remember his part but also 27 able to invent new variations on the spur (激励) of the moment.
Jazz 28 the people, but popular 29 is changed many times in form, style, and tempo. Each change ad
A. goes along with
B. makes for
C. belongs to
D. fits for
Screen Test 1. Every year millions of women are screened with X-rays to pick up signs of breast cancer. If this happens early enough, the disease can often be. treated successfully. According to a survey published last year, 21 countries have screening programmes. Nine of them, including Australia, Canada, the US and Spain, screen women under 50. 2. But the medical benefits of screening these younger women are controversial, partly because the radiation brings a small risk of inducing cancer. Also, younger women must be given higher doses of X-rays because their breast tissue is denser. 3. Researchers at the Polytechnic University of Valencia analysed the effect of screening more than 160,000 women at 11 local clinic [单选题]改变光点亮度,应调节示波器的( )旋钮。
A.聚焦 B.辉度 C.X轴位移 D.Y轴位移 [单选题] 以下最适合办公照明的色温是( )
A. 、2700K B.3000K C.4000K D.6500K [单项选择]光气中毒可出现()
A. 中毒性肝炎 B. 高铁血红蛋白血症 C. 中毒性肺水肿 D. 迟发性神经病 E. 巨红细胞贫血 [判断题]发车信号,应在列车前进方向第一个车门处显示,必须在司机动车或鸣笛回示后方可收回。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]E—mail 地址的格式为 ( ) 。
A.用户名@邮件主机域名 B.@用户名邮件主机域名 C.用户名邮件主机域名@ D.用户名@域名邮件主机 [单选题]变压器的损耗主要有( )。
A.铁损耗 B.铜损耗 C.铁损耗和铜损耗 D.无损耗 [单选题]当车辆制动时,压力空气进入()。
A.制动缸 B.副风缸 C.降压气室 D.加速缓解风缸 [单项选择]风湿性心脏病心力衰竭患者用洋地黄和利尿药治疗,出现发热、关节疼痛、窦性心动过速,应首先考虑()
A. 心力衰竭加重 B. 洋地黄不足 C. 洋地黄中毒 D. 风湿活动 E. 电解质紊乱 [单选题]计划工作需要办理第一种工作票的,应在工作开始前
A.工作票的送达 B.工作票的接收 C.工作票的签发 D.工作票终结 [单选题] 综合录井仪采集工程参数,池体积(单池钻井液体积)的测量范围0m3~50m3,测量误差不大于( )。单池钻井液体积的测量上限可根据钻井液池(罐)的实际容积进行设定。(出自SY/T 6243-2009)
A.1.0% B.1.5% C.2.0% D.2.5 % 我来回答: 提交