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[单选题]病人,男性,46岁。颅内血肿清除术后第2天,护士需为病人更换卧位。下列操作中错误的是( )
A.将导管固定妥当后再翻身 B.让病人卧于患侧 C.先换药,再翻身 D.注意节力原则 E.两人协助病人翻身 [单选题]髋关节后脱位的经典畸形是髋关节:
A.屈曲,内收,内旋 B.屈曲,内收,外旋 C.屈曲,外展,外旋 D.屈曲,外展,内旋 E.屈曲,外旋 [单选题]休息日和节假日的前1日可以推迟就寝,时间通常不超过( )。
A.半小时 B.1小时 C.2小时 D.1.5小时 [单项选择]制酸剂服用时应注意( )。
A. 宜在饭前30分钟服用 B. 以片剂效果为最理想 C. 服药后静卧1小时 D. 疗程一般为2周左右 E. 要长期服用 [单项选择]There is a phenomena in the present. The average number of authors on scientific papers is sky rocketing. What is the main reason for it That’s partly because labs arc bigger, problems are more complicated, and more different subspecialties are needed. But it’s also because US government agencies like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have started to promote "team science". As physics developed in the post-World War II era, federal funds built expensive national facilities, and these served as surfaces on which collaborations could crystallize naturally.
Yet multiple authorship—however good it may be in other ways—presents for journals and for the institutions in which these authors work. For the journals, long lists of authors are hard to deal with in them selves. But those long lists give rise to more serious questions when something goes wrong with the paper. If there is research misconduct, should the liability be joint and several, accruing to all authors If not, th A. getting more complicated B. dealing with bigger problems C. more of a product of team work D. focusing more on natural than on social sciences [名词解释]水衰退
[单选题]冷却系的作用是保证发动机在正常工作温度下工作,多数汽车用水冷,其正常水温为( )。
A.65~80℃ B.76~80℃ C.80~90℃ D.100~120℃ 我来回答: 提交