[简答题]The young woman tries hard to ____________(适应留学回国后的新生活).
[简答题]The committee will not make the decision ____________(直到它对此事进行了调查为止).
[简答题]However hard the task is, we ____________(必须尽力准时完成任务).
[简答题]Compared with last year, ____________(居民们的平均收入增长了50%).
[简答题]The experienced pilot felt ____________(就在飞机起飞前引擎出了毛病).
[简答题]After what seemed an endless wait, it was ____________(轮到我进入人事经理的办公室).
[简答题]Only by discovering what we do best ____________(我们才有望达到我们的终极目标).
[简答题]We appreciate your efforts to ____________(使被盗文物回归祖国).
[简答题]Modernization and leadership is the key ____________(提高老年人生活质量的关键).
[简答题]He spoke English so well that ____________(我想当然地认为他在讲母语).
[简答题]Some employees in our company ____________(宁愿听从指示也不愿自己拿主意).
[简答题]The stockholders hurried there ____________(结果却发现董事会议被取消了).
[简答题]We shouldn’t ignore what happens ____________(即使人们难以接受).
[简答题]As the president can’t come to the negotiation, ____________(我得到授权代表他来签合同).
[简答题]The guides play an important role in ____________(帮助游客克服坏习惯).
[简答题]Michael would have helped you but that ____________(若不是他那时缺钱).
[简答题]Website is similar to a newspaper, both ____________(是靠销售广告来赚钱的).
[简答题]It’s high time that all the countries ____________(都应该采取有力行动反对国际犯罪).
[简答题]Some language learners find ____________(很难在其他理科领域获得成功).
[简答题]Developing countries must ____________(跟上世界经济迅速发展的步伐).
[简答题]The smugglers tried many times to sneak across the border,____________(结果每次都被警察抓住了).
[简答题]According to the survey, some people insist that ____________(美国的汽车比日本的汽车差).
[简答题]It must have been the lifeguard ____________(在危险关头给出了信号).
[简答题]It is necessary that everyone ____________(都要确保同样的错误不会重复出现).
[简答题]According to a recent report, island nations (比其他国家更有优势).