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发布时间:2023-10-10 10:08:47

[简答题]We appreciate your efforts to ____________(使被盗文物回归祖国).

更多"We appreciate your efforts to _____"的相关试题:

A. 20世纪90年代被窃的文物中包括一件珍贵的传世工艺品。
B. 从20世纪90年代早期开始,私人收藏和小展馆中发生的文物失窃案件明显上升。
C. 上述多功能防盗系统经过国家级技术鉴定。
D. 在1990年到1999年之间,主要博物馆为馆内重要的珍贵文物所付的保险金有了较大幅度的增加。
[单项选择]We can get your clients to your nearest location ______ they can buy your product.
A. which
B. when
C. that
D. where
[单项选择][听力原文] ??有一个博物馆被盗了,丢失了十件珍贵的文物,幸好一枚珍贵的钻石戒指没有被盗。警方经过多次努力也找不到线索,这时,一直很冷静的博物馆馆长提议让电视台采访他。不久,电视上播放了记者采访博物馆馆长的镜头。记者问:“这次共丢失了多少件文物?”馆长答:“十一件。”记者又问:“这些文物都很珍贵吗?”馆长答:“是的,都很珍贵,特别是一枚钻戒,价值连城。”时隔不久,警方就查到了线索,顺利地破了案。线索来源很简单,几个盗贼在互相殴打时被警方抓获,而他们殴斗的原因竟然是互相猜疑究竟是谁私藏了第十一件文物——那枚珍贵的钻戒。 被盗窃的博物馆丢了多少件文物?()
A. 9件 
B. 10件 
C. 11件 
D. 12件
[简答题]We know your time is valuable. That’s why we offer free Personal Shopping appointments. During your uninterrupted time with a Specialist, you can have your questions answered and get a personal guided tour — including a test-drive (试用) of Apple products. Enjoy as much time as you need with no obligation to purchase. Just book an appointment that’s convenient for you, and we’ll help you find the products that meets your needs.

[填空题]We came (direct)()after we got your telephone.
[简答题]We have received your offer Oil June 20th,2009. We regret that we cannot accept it becauseof the terms of delivery. We made it clear in our letter that the 500 pairs of shoes should arrivehere by July 30th, 2009, and each pair should be packed in a box. If you cannot guaranteethese two terms, we have to find other suppliers. We look forward to your immediate reply.
[填空题]We appreciate your (invite)()us to your party.
[单项选择]()for your help we could not have finished it in time.
A. In spite of
B. But for
C. Because of
D. As for

The Inquiry Letter

Gentlemen :
We saw your women’s dresses and suits at the London fashion show held in New York on October 17. The clothes you showed for teenagers, the women dresses and trouser suits, would be most suitable for our market.
Would you kindly send us your quotation for spring and summer clothing that you could supply to us by the end of next January We would require 2000 dresses and suits in each of the sizes 10-14, and 500 in sizes 8 and 16. Payment is normally made by letter of credits.
Thank you for your early reply.

The Quotation Letter

Dear Sirs,
We are pleased to make you an offer regarding our women dresses and trousers suits in the sizes you require. All the models can be supplied by the middle of January after receive your firm order by 15th November.
Trouser suits sizes 8-16
in white, yello

[单项选择]Without your help, we () so much.
A. will not achieve
B. didn’t achieve
C. don’t achieve
D. would not have achieved
[填空题]Thanks to your stupidity, we lost the game.
[填空题]Thank you for your invitation. We are looking forward to (visit) ______ your city.


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