第4题: [单项选择]软产道损伤时,下述说法错误的是() A. 会阴1度裂伤是指会阴皮肤及阴道入口黏膜撕裂 B. 发生会阴2度裂伤时,肛门括约肌也受到损伤 C. 胎儿娩出后,子宫收缩好,仍有持续鲜血自阴道流出,应疑有宫颈裂伤 D. 分娩受阻时,容易破裂的部分是子宫下段 E. 为防止软产道损伤,应避免胎儿娩出过快 参考答案:B
第19题: [单项选择]关于前牙反牙合描述正确的是() A. 前牙反牙合分骨骼性和牙性两大类 B. 前牙反牙合受遗传和环境的双重影响 C. 前牙反牙合家族史阳性者骨骼畸形较家族史阴性者严重 D. 前牙反牙合家族史阳性者发展成严重骨性前牙反牙合的几率高 E. 临床上可以通过询问家族史估计前牙反牙合的预后 参考答案:B
第20题:[多选题]短路计算的目的是(____)。 A.校验断路器的遮断容量 B.确定继电保护及安全自动装置的定值 C.校验设备的机械稳定和热稳定性 D. 进行故障分析 参考答案:ABCD
第21题: [单项选择]Questions 14--17 are based on the following dialogue. When will Jackson and Sons hire new workers A. In September. B. In May. C. In August. D. In June. 参考答案:D 答案解析:从“They plan to hire them in June”,可以推断出答案。
第34题: [单项选择]对于做官相当于( )对于嫁人 A. 清廉 清白 B. 俸禄 酒席 C. 出仕 出阁 D. 男人 女人 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 本题考查的是同一关系。在古代做官又称为出仕,前者是口头说法,后者是书面用语;同样,在古代嫁人又称为出阁,前者为口语,后者为书面语。故选C。
第35题: [多项选择]Personnel Management: the importance of monitoring stress levels among staff in a company 参考答案:Suggested answers: a.It is very important to monitor stress levels among staff in a company. Think about a time when one employee had a conflict with another. The supervisor or manager would want to find out the causes and effects. What was the conflict How did it feel to have that conflict How did you resolve the conflict Did you act as a mediator Do you think you could have resolved the conflict more successfully if you had known about some techniques of conflict resolutions If you have monitored the stress level, you could possibly work out solution to the stress problems. You could be able to make prediction about what causes them stress. The best approach is for managers to see the workforce as internal customers. Staff service should be as important as customer service. b.Good quality, trained, healthy and committed staff can improve the performance of the organization as much as poorly motivated staff can damage it. It is very necessary to monitor stress levels among staff in a company. If you do it, you may find out the facts: Worries give staff the most stress. He or she may have a frantic schedule. Academic pressure makes him nervous Or she worries about her demanding work or about her kids. Solving one problem at a time helps him/her to deal with stress. You could help the employees reduce stress. You may organize activities to improve the relations among the staff members. Sports may help them to deal with stress. 答案解析:[解析] conflict战斗,冲突。supervisor主管,督导。mediator调停人,斡旋者。frantic疯狂的,急忙的,错乱的。schedule程序表,进度表,时刻表。demanding