第2题: [简答题]Your friend Bob has been seriously injured in a car accident. But you don’t have the time to go and see him for the time being. Now write to him to express your concern.
{{I}} Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropirateness.{{/I}} 参考答案: 答案解析:Jan.19,
Dear Bob,
I’m sorry to hear that you had a car accident yesterday and your feet were i
第34题: [单项选择]陌生人面孔分辨障碍包括() A. 站在面前的两个陌生人可知觉或辨认 B. 双侧或右内侧枕一颞叶皮层之间的联系受损 C. 能根据单人面孔照片,指出该人在集体照片中的位置 D. 对熟人确认正确无误,但对面前的陌生人却无法分辨 E. 不能单凭面孔确认亲友,却可凭借亲友的语声或熟悉的衣着加以确认 参考答案:D