第9题: [单项选择]不是白假丝酵母菌的常用鉴定方法是 A. 芽管形成试验 B. 糖同化试验 C. 糖发酵试验 D. 尿素酶试验 E. 厚膜孢子形成试验 参考答案:D 答案解析:常用的白假丝酵母菌的鉴定方法有芽管形成试验、糖同化或发酵试验、厚膜孢子形成试验、产色培养基快速鉴定。
第10题: [简答题]Both Japan and America are consumer societies. The people of both countries love to shop and are enthusiastic consumers of convenience products and fast foods. Vending machines selling everything from fresh flowers to hot coffee are as popular in Japan as they are in America. 参考答案:日本和美国均为消费社会。两国的人民都酷爱购物,他们都是便利商品和快餐的热情消费者。和在美国一样,在日本销售从鲜花到热咖啡等几乎所有商品的售货机相当普及。 答案解析:主要注意both...and以及as…as…的句型翻译。enthusiastic consumer:热情消费者; Vending machine:售货机。
第15题: [单项选择]Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.A. He is going to spend a holiday in London. B. He is going to have a business trip in London. C. He will go to London with the woman. D. He is going to move to London. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 22-25 M: Hi, Mary! I heard that you’ve been to London on business for several times, I have
第34题: [单项选择]患儿,男,6个月。因发热3天,惊厥2次入院。查体:体温38.7℃,烦躁不安,心率120次/分,心音有力,双肺呼吸音清,未闻及啰音,腹软,前囟膨隆,张力较高,为明确诊断,首选的检查() A. 头颅B超 B. 血气分析 C. 心脏彩超 D. 胸片 E. 脑脊液检查 参考答案:E 答案解析:患儿惊厥,前囟膨隆,说明有颅内压增高。发热,说明有感染。根据患儿临床表现需做脑脊液检查明确诊断。