第16题: [单项选择]初产妇,从分娩后第2天起,持续3天体温在37.5℃左右,子宫收缩好,无压痛,会阴伤口红肿、疼痛,恶露淡红色,无臭味,双乳软,无硬结。发热的原因最可能是() A. 会阴伤口感染 B. 乳腺炎 C. 产褥感染 D. 上呼吸道感染 E. 乳头皲裂 参考答案:A 答案解析:会阴侧切后应保持外阴清洁以防感染,勤换卫生垫,避免恶露浸泡伤口,增加愈合困难度;每天消毒伤口,每次便后要用消毒棉由前向后擦拭外阴。若出现会阴胀痛,发热,检查见局部红肿、伤口处有硬块,说明会阴伤口感染。
第29题: [单项选择]{{B}} Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.{{/B}} A. She thought it was expensive. B. She thought it took less time. C. She thought it was long and tiring. D. She felt quite all right. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[听力原文]
M: Did you mind going by Greyhound instead of by air
W: No, I didn’t mind at all. It took
第30题:[单选题]在Jabil常用英文术语中,WOM是( )的缩写 A.Work cell Operation Manager B.Work of Management C.Work cell Operator Management D.What On Marking 参考答案:A