第13题: [单项选择]城乡规划的行政法制监督的基本原则不包括( )。 A. 教育与惩罚相结合、督察与改进工作相结合的原则 B. 实事求是,重证据、重调查研究的原则 C. 灵活地采取行政法制监督措施的原则 D. 专门工作和依靠群众的原则 参考答案:C
第14题: [多项选择]PART 3 ·How should we protect animals 参考答案:Generally, such measures could be taken to protect animals: The government should enact and enforce the laws of animal protection. Catching and killing rare species is prohibited severely. Heavy fin and even imprisonment is the 0nly solution to the problem. The government should set up large-scale national zoos and some reserves for wild animals, where all the native species of animals can live freely and be protected against harm. People should be educated to understand the importance of animal conservation. And measures could he taken to shift those hunters to other jobs.