第20题: [单项选择]在剪辑视频的操作中,如果片头有不需要的片段需要剪切,正确且必要的操作步骤之一是()。 A. 飞梭栏在开始位置时,单击开始标记工具,定位剪切的片头位置 B. 在不需要帧的开头位置,单击开始标记工具,定位剪切的片头位置 C. 向右拖动飞梭栏,在需要保留片段的开头,单击开始标记工具 D. 直接将飞梭栏定位到要剪切的片尾,执行“保存修整后的视频”命令 参考答案:C
第21题: [单项选择]被称为"气机升降之枢纽"的脏腑是() A. 心、肾 B. 肝、肺 C. 脾、胃 D. 肺、肾 E. 脾、肺 参考答案:C
第27题: [多项选择]PART 1 ·Have you been collecting stamps for a long time 参考答案:Yes, I have. I started this hobby about A0 years ago. I was only a primary school student at that moment. At the beginning, the stamps I collected were mostly from my friends and relatives. All of them were used ones. Now, as I work and have become self-supporting, I spend some money buying new stamps from the post office. 答案解析:hobbies的后续问题之一。在回答的过程中注意时态的正确性。