第12题:[单选题]Which of the following statements may be in accordance with Hepburn’s characteristics? A.She talked about what would interest the media. B.She let photographers take sexy pictures of her. C.She did not want to be like other actresses. D.She wore make-up on her face like others. 参考答案:C
第29题: [单项选择]还贷免息不能逆程序操作,以下对还贷免息的程序描述不正确的是() A. 经内部审批以后,再由借贷双方签订书面的还贷免息协议 B. 签订协议以后,再由借款人按协议履行还本付息的义务 C. 借款人按协议约定履行还本付息义务后免除借款人剩余贷款利息 D. 将内部的审批文件作为还贷免息的书面协议送达给借款人 参考答案:D