第9题: [单项选择]依据《工伤保险条例》,下列伤亡情形中,应当认定为工伤的是()。 A. 某车间安全员到车间现场进行例行安全检查时突发脑溢血,送往医院抢救8h后死亡 B. 某公司销售人员在去往某地洽谈业务途中,因发生车祸致死 C. 某取得伤残军人证的退伍军人到用人单位工作1年后旧伤复发 D. 某职工骑自行车上班途中,不慎掉入沟渠中,致右腿骨折 参考答案:B
A. have one preventing-aging protein increased B. have their cell death increased or doubled C. have their DNA fragmentation doubled D. have the levels of proteins increased 参考答案:A 答案解析:本题是细节题。在研究比较两类老鼠的段落里Another protein thought to protect from cell death dropped by 60% in the well-fe