第7题: [单项选择]What do we know about the speaker’’s friend A. He was once a friend of the ruler. B. He was a tax collector. C. He was a government official. D. He was once a school teacher in India. 参考答案:D
第13题: [单项选择]静脉补钾的速度一般不超过每小时多少() A. 10~20mmol B. 100mmol C. 50~55mmol D. 30~40mmol E. 70mmol 参考答案:A 答案解析:1.正常人体内含钾量为50~55mmol/kg。2.健康成年人饮食中钾的摄入量为100mmol/d。3.静脉补钾的浓度一般为30~40mmol/L。4.静脉补钾的速度一般不超过10~20mmol/h。