第21题: [单项选择]Questions 11~14 are based on the following conversation.What do you think the man would probably do with the recorder at last A. Renew his warranty. B. Take it home. C. Have it repaired with a service charge. D. Return it to the store. 参考答案:C
第25题: [单项选择]对于淤血性肝硬化,哪项说法不正确 A. Budd-Chiari综合征亦可引起 B. 常由右心功能衰竭引起 C. 其发生的主要原因为肝小叶中心缺氧 D. 主要表现为肝大及腹腔积液 E. 无肝功能异常 参考答案:E 答案解析:淤血性肝硬化由于血液回流障碍,肝小叶中心缺氧,导致肝细胞损害,多有肝功能异常。