第9题: [单项选择]A. He didn’t show his paintings at the exhibit. B. He didn’t see the paintings. C. He doesn’t understand Ted’s art. D. The exhibit was caneeled. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] W: What did you think of the paintings that Ted was showing last week M: I never mad
第18题: [单项选择]数据库管理系统DBMS中用来定义模式、内模式和外模式的语言为 A. C B. Basic C. DDL D. DML 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 选项A)、B)显然不合题意。数据定义语言DDL(Data Definition Language)负责数据的模式定义与数据的物理存取构建;数据操纵语言DML(Data Manipulatio