第6题: [简答题]What do you think the three methods (the Silent Way, Community Language Learning and Suggestopaedia) have in common 参考答案:(1) They all lay emphasis on the individual and on personal learning strategies. (2) They try to give students room and time to learn with as little intrusion of the teacher into the learning process as possible. (3) They all try to involve the whole person of the students. (4) They view the learning of a second language as quite different from the learning of the first. (5) All three are inductive in the initial stage of the language learning process. (6) All three approaches advocate that there should be no correction of the learners’ errors and they should be given enough time to work on their own. (7) They all aim to reduce the anxiety and tension of language learning. (8) They all encourages active use of the language in communicative situations from the beginning. (9)They all try to create a community feeling.
第24题: [单项选择]公务员向有关单位提出申诉的必要理由是( )。 A. 对公务员个人的处理不公正 B. 公务员对涉及本人的人事处理决定不服 C. 公务员认为自身受到的处理或待遇不合理 D. 须有涉及公务员个人的处理决定 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 公务员对涉及本人的人事处理决定不服是公务员向有单位提出申诉的必要理由,故选B。
第33题: [单项选择]关于阴道发育异常,下列哪项是正确的() A. 先天性无阴道是双侧副中肾管发育不全的结果,故常伴卵巢发育异常 B. 阴道发育异常都伴第二性征发育不良 C. 阴道闭锁处黏膜较黑暗 D. 阴道横隔常因性生活不满意或先露下降受阻时检查发现 E. 阴道横隔不会影响性生活,也不影响阴道分娩 参考答案:D 答案解析:先天性无阴道是双侧副中肾管发育不全的结果,几乎都合并无子宫或仅有始基子宫,极个别患者仍有发育正常的子宫,卵巢一般正常,故第二性征正常。阴道横隔位于上段者不影响性生活,位置较低者多因性生活不满意而就医,