第13题: [单项选择]Which of the following conditions is realized by the turbo-charging of a previously naturally aspirated diesel engine?() A. Ignition lag increases B. Lube oil system pressure increases C. Brake specific fuel consumption increased D. Mechanical efficiency increaded 参考答案:D
第34题: [单项选择]下列药物中,具有杀虫,疗癣功效的药物是 A. 槟榔 B. 雷丸 C. 使君子 D. 苦楝皮 E. 鹤草芽 参考答案:D 答案解析:以上选项均为驱虫药。对人体内的寄生虫,特别是肠道寄生虫虫体有杀灭或麻痹作用,部分驱虫药还兼有其他作用。槟榔可杀虫消积,行气,利水,截疟。雷丸可杀虫消积。使君子可杀虫消积。苦楝皮可杀虫,疗癣。鹤草芽可杀