第10题: [单项选择]滴虫阴道炎的治愈标准是() A. 连续3次月经后检查滴虫阴性 B. 连续3次月经前检查未找到滴虫 C. 全身及局部用药3个疗程可治愈 D. 白带悬滴法检查滴虫转阴性 E. 连续3次月经前检查临床症状消失 参考答案:A 答案解析:滴虫阴道炎治疗后应在每次月经干净后复查1次,连续3个月经周期均是阴性称治愈。
A. The long roads between the cities. B. The modem turbo-charged engine. C. The economic advantage. D. The current policies of Germany and Australia. 参考答案:D 答案解析:原文中有“People from this are argue that the examples of countries like Australia and Germany should dem