第8题: [单项选择]In a compression refrigeration plant the refrigerant flows from the expansion valve and through the () where it absorbs heat from the space being cooled and becomes a gas or vapor. A. compressor B. condenser C. throttle valve D. evaporator 参考答案:D
第22题: [单项选择]女性,38岁。因四肢刺痛麻木不适4年伴行走困难,如踩棉花状半年来诊。患者有胃病史10年,无反酸。曾检查血糖正常。体检有中度贫血症。为明确诊断需进一步检查的是()。 A. 肌电图检查 B. 骨髓穿刺 C. 血清维生素B12测定 D. 头颅CT检查 E. 脑电图检查 参考答案:C 答案解析:患者为中年女性,有多年胃病史,无反酸,有中度贫血表现伴四肢运动感觉障碍,特别是下肢深感觉受损引起行走如踩棉花状,提示可能为长期胃病后内因子缺乏,引起维生素B12吸收不足,造成巨幼
第25题: [多项选择]爬山虎总是野心勃勃地企图占领每一寸墙。在那无数枝卷向上的藤蔓中,有一枝几乎攀上了那尖尖的屋顶,这时有一阵风刮来,把它悬在半空中。 刘川从窗口望出去,看到了对面墙上的这个镜头,下意识地笑了起来。 “你是藤,我是墙。”有一天他对小梅说。 他眼中的那枝藤蔓化成了她的形象,在他向她说了这句话之后,她撅起了嘴巴转身走了。“我没有模仿电影中的男主角,加快了脚步去追她。”他想。他俩也像所有年轻的情侣那样天生好赌气,可末了,总是她来找他,一般不出一个星期。他很有自信心。 参考答案:[参考译文] Creepers are always ambitiously trying to crawl over every inch of the wall. One of the numerous curling vines had almost crept on to the steep roof of the house when a sudden gust of wind blew it off in midair. Liu Chuan happened to catch sight of the scene on the opposite wall through the window,and he couldn’t help smiling. In his eyes the vine was transformed into the image of Xiao Mei. "You are a creeper while I am a wall." he had once said to her. At his remark, she pursed her lips and went away. "I won’t imtate the hero in the film and run after her, " he thought. They used to quarrel quite often just as other young lovers did. But in the end it is always she who would first come to him for reconciliation within a week or so. He had been quite confident that this argument would end similarly. 答案解析:[详细解答] 有时汉语作品中旬子和段落的安排不够合理,如果完全按照原文翻译;会使英语读者感到译文逻辑很}昆乱,晦涩难懂,遇到这种情况,应根据作品的中心思想,发展线索及语篇内部照应的原则,加强逻辑联系,
第32题: [单项选择]出自《迈蒙尼提斯祷文》的内容是() A. "启我爱医术,复爱世间人,愿绝名利心,尽力为病人。" B. "医本活人,学之不精,反为夭折。" C. "先知儒理,然后方知医理……。" D. "我愿尽余之能力及判断力所及,遵守为病家谋利益之信条。" E. "留神医药,精通方术……以善其生。" 参考答案:A