第5题:[单选题]消化性溃疡最典型的症状是( ) A. 恶心、呕吐 B. 缓脉、多汗 C. 腹胀、腹痛 D. 嗳气、反酸 E. 节律性上腹部疼痛 参考答案:E 节律性上腹部疼痛是消化性溃疡的典型表现,可能与胃酸分泌有关。除上腹部疼痛外,尚有嗳气、反酸、恶心、呕吐、上腹饱胀等消化不良症状,但这些症状均缺乏特异性。
第17题: [单项选择]A. He is suffering from the difference of time zones. B. He has been studying hard at night. C. He finds biology difficult to learn. D. He has not adjusted to a new culture. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解析] M. Since I came here I’ve had to stay up most of the night for the last few days. No matter