第9题: [单项选择]Excuse me. Is this table taken?() A. We haven‘t booked the dishes. B. We haven‘t ordered the dishes. C. Yeah. I‘m saving these seats for friends. D. Yeah. I‘m stuffed. 参考答案:C
第16题: [单项选择]用痰液量估计支气管扩张的病情轻重下列哪项描述是正确的(). A. 轻度<10ml/d,中度10~150ml/d,重度>150ml/d B. 轻度<50ml/d,中度50~150ml/d,重度>150ml/d C. 轻度<100ml/d,中度100~150ml/d,重度>150ml/d D. 轻度<50ml/d,中度50~250ml/d,重度>250ml/d E. 轻度<100ml/d,中度100~250ml/d,重度>250ml/d 参考答案:A
第33题: [单项选择]()可称为不定性耐火材料。 A. 标准型耐火砖 B. 异型耐火砖 C. 耐火混凝土 参考答案:C
The online charging is called the prepaid service. That is, the users set certain balances in their accounts in advance and use the data services according to the balances in their accounts. A.正确 B.错误 参考答案:A