第11题: [多项选择]Baddeley和Hitch提出的工作记忆系统包括( ) A. 中枢执行系统 B. 语音环 C. 视空间模板 D. 结构分析系统 参考答案:A,B,C 答案解析:[解析] Baddeley和Hitch的工作记忆系统包括以下三个部分:视空间模板、语音环和中枢执行系统。中枢执行系统虽然容量有限但可以参与任何认知活动。语音环和视空间图像处理器从属于中枢执行系统并为特
[参考作文] Dear Dad, I am having a wonderful time. It is really a good exchange programme. I think I have learnt a lot that cannot be learnt in class. Sue’s family are very friendly. They look after me very well and I feel quite at home here. The weather here is very comfortable. Yesterday we visited the Science Museum and did some shopping as well. Tomorrow we are going to Cambridge University. I am looking forward to visiting the university. We will be back to Shanghai on Dec. 31. The plane will touch down at Shanghai Airport at 10:30 a.m. So we will soon meet again. Please give my best regards to Mum and Grandma. Yours love, Li Hua [解题指要] 建议使用的句型: feel at home look forward to doing give one’s best regards to
第27题: [多项选择]大面积皮肤剥脱伤经清创后伤口可采用() A. 表层皮片植皮 B. 中厚皮片植皮 C. 全厚皮片植皮 D. 损伤轻微,与伤缘未断离的皮瓣可以去脂肪后覆盖创面 E. 肌腱外露可以用全厚皮片植皮 参考答案:B, D 答案解析:为了提高大面积皮肤剥脱伤治疗后的功能,不宜采用表层皮片植皮,全厚皮片不易成活,肌腱外露者必须用有血液循环的深部组织覆盖后植皮。