第1题: [单项选择]1岁男孩,近2天每天呕吐5~6次,伴嗜睡、淡漠,无惊厥及昏迷发生。颈软,四肢活动对称,克氏征、巴氏征均阴性,肝肋下3cm,瞳孔双侧0.3cm,对光反应佳。诊断瑞氏综合征,其病程处于哪一期() A. Ⅰ期 B. Ⅱ期 C. Ⅲ期 D. Ⅳ期 E. 0期 参考答案:A 答案解析:瑞氏综合征根据临床表现可分为5期:0期:嗜睡,呕吐,肝功能异常;Ⅰ期:意识模糊,谵妄,过度呼吸,腱反射亢进;Ⅱ期:浅昏迷,抽搐,去皮质强直,瞳孔反应正常;Ⅲ期:抽搐,深昏迷,去大脑强直,瞳孔固定;Ⅳ期
第11题: [简答题]根据下面的汉语提示,写一篇为" Why Should We Learn English"的短文。 (1) 英语现已成为一种国际语言; (2)现在大多数书籍、报纸和杂志都以英文出版和印刷; (3)学习英语需要耐心。 参考答案:
Why Should We learn English
English language has now become an international language.Many countries in the world use English and more people are learning English. Many people who attend the international conference, go abroad and do business with foreigners have to speak it.
Nowadays, the most of the valuable books, newspapers and magazines are printed and published in English. If we want to obtain more information and knowledge, we have to learn English well. English is certainly regarded as a tool of communication.
Learning English needs patience. It is quite often for anyone to meet with trouble while learning English. In this ease, to be patient is indeed very important. The only way for us to learn English well is to memorize new words, and read English-articles patiently and carefully.