第22题: [单项选择]下述不是被动靶向制剂载体的是() A. 脂质体 B. 前体药物 C. 靶向乳剂 D. 微球 E. 纳米粒 参考答案:B 答案解析:靶向制剂又称靶向给药系统(targeting drug system,TDS),是指载体将药物通过局部给药或全身血液循环而选择性地浓集定位于靶组织、靶器官、靶细胞或细胞内结构的给药系统。一般被动靶向制
A. By making it as large as the one that had defeated the British. B. By putting General Lee in charge. C. By using the Militia Law. D. By being at the front of the troops. 参考答案:D