第28题: [单项选择]骨肉瘤采用的治疗方法是 A. 化疗 B. 放疗 C. 根治性手术 D. 化疗和根治性手术 E. 放疗和根治性手术 参考答案:D
第29题: [单项选择]According to Miss. Chan, a Marketing Officer Trainee should do all the following EXCEPT A. be supervised by a Marketing Office at first. B. assume many duties shortly after employed. C. keep records and carry out plans. D. show more initiative as time goes by. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 面试中考官问Miss Chan对Marketing Officer Trainee这个职位的认识。Miss Chan说她从职位描述中得知,市场营销培训生任职初期要在有经验的Marketing