第17题: [单项选择]关于城市固体废弃物,下列各项错误的是( )。 A. 固体废弃物处理是使固体废物发生物理的、化学的或生物的变化过程 B. 集中废物处置是解决固体废物的最终宗旨 C. 固体废物只是一定意义的废弃物,可以获得新的使用价值,应看作二次资源 D. 固体废物处理的总原则应先考虑加速物质循环,后考虑减量化、资源化 参考答案:D 答案解析:[试题解析] 城市固体废物处理的总原则:应先考虑减量化、资源化,减少资源消耗和加速资源循环,后考虑加速物质循环,而对最后可能要残留的物质,进行最终无害化处理。基本处理方法有:自然堆放、土地填埋,堆肥化
第19题: [单项选择]A. The number of smokers has been falling about 2 percent a year. B. The number of smokers has been rising 20 percent a year. C. The number of smokers has been rising 2 percent a year. D. The number of smokers has been falling 20 percent a year. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文] What is the recent important development observed in developing countries
第26题: [单项选择]The team leader of mountain climbers marked out ______. A. that seemed to be the best route B. what seemed to he the best route C. which seemed to he the best route D. something that to be the best route 参考答案:B 答案解析:what seemed to be the best route 做 marked out的宾语从句。
第27题: [单项选择]二手资料调研的主要优点是() A. 准确性高 B. 节省时间 C. 及时准确 D. 资料新鲜 参考答案:B