第2题: [单项选择]下列叙述哪一个是错的 A. 粉碎度(n)等于物料粉碎前的粒径与粉碎后的粒径比值 B. 散剂的粉碎并不是愈细愈好,而应适度,以达有效、安全、省时节能的目的 C. 一般散剂应为中粉,能全部通过四号筛,但混有能通过五号筛不超过60%的粉末 D. 儿科或外用散剂应为最细粉,其中能通过七号筛的细粉含量不少于95% E. 一般散剂中的药物,除另有规定外,均应粉碎后通过6号筛 参考答案:C
第7题: [简答题]What were the consequences of the Norman Conquest? 参考答案:
The Norman Conquest of 1066 is perhaps the best-known event in English history. William the Conqueror confiscated almost all the land and gave it to his Norman followers. He replaced the weak Saxon rule with a strong Norman government.
1. The feudal system was completely established in England.
2 .There was a much stronger control over the country by the Romanbacked Catholic Church..
3. French gradually became the official language.
4. There were numerous contacts between England and France.
第16题: [单项选择]治疗遗精湿热证,应首选() A. 程氏萆薢分清饮 B. 知柏地黄丸 C. 肾着汤 D. 四妙丸 E. 二妙丸 参考答案:A 答案解析:1.四妙丸有清利湿热,舒筋通络,强壮腰脊作用,适用于湿热壅遏,经脉不舒,腰脊疼痛。 2.程氏萆薢分清饮清化湿热,通利湿浊,适用于脾胃湿热下扰精室而成的遗精。
第25题: [单项选择]女,34岁,自幼左侧乳头内陷,未哺乳。发现左乳肿物2周,边界不清,与皮肤粘连。近2天出现肿块增大,伴局部红肿热痛,无波动感,最可能的诊断是 A. 浆细胞性乳腺癌合并感染 B. 乳腺囊性增生症 C. 纤维腺瘤 D. 结核 E. 乳腺癌 参考答案:A 答案解析:乳头内陷,肿块边界不清,与皮肤粘连均提示有恶性征象,结合其症状浆细胞性乳腺癌诊断可能性大,因伴局部红肿热痛考虑伴感染。