第23题: [单项选择]How does the woman feel about the exam A. She feels great. B. She feels terrible. C. She feels proud. D. She feels satisfied. 参考答案:B 答案解析:M: What did you think of the final exam
W: At the end of the first hour I was still on the first p
第38题: [不定项选择]为预防拟建固体废物填埋场对地下水的污染影响,应采取的措施包括()。 A. 按有关标准要求选址 B. 防渗 C. 地下水分层开采 D. 划定饮用水源保护区 参考答案:A, B, C 答案解析:水污染防治的措施包括:①合理选址;②地下水分层开采;③工程防渗措施;④污染物的清除与阻隔措施。划定饮用水源保护区是政府部门的事情,与拟建固体废物填埋场项目无关。