第15题: [单项选择]下列哪一事项所形成的法律关系由劳动法调整? A. 甲厂职工陈某操作机器时不慎将参观的客户蒋某致伤,蒋某要求陈某赔偿 B. 汪某因身高不足1.70米而被乙厂招聘职工时拒绝录用,汪某欲告乙厂 C. 丙公司与劳务输出公司就30名外派劳务人员达成的协议 D. 丁公司为其职工购房向银行提供的担保 参考答案:B
第25题: [多项选择]Nowadays drinking pure water has become a fashion with many people. Please write all essay commenting on: 1) the reason for its popularity 2) the effects it may have on people’s health Your essay should be about 120 words. 参考答案:[高分范文] Almost every family in cities drink pure water nowadays. It has become a fashion. Why do people drink pure water instead of common water The main reason is that pure water is good for our health. Besides, drinking pure water is more convenient, because pure water can be drunk directly. Some people would ask why drinking pure water is good for our health. As we know, water pollution is very serious now. So drinking common water doesn’t sound so safe as before. Pure water is absolutely clean because it doesn’t contain any mineral element. Also some certain mineral ill water will do harm to our bodies when it is taken too much. At this point, pure water should be our choice. Besides all above, pure water also tastes good. You should have a try if you haven’t ever drunk pure water before. 答案解析:[写作点金] 这篇文章的重点是要说明纯净水对身体有好处,在写这篇作文的时候,首先可以以很多人都喝纯净水来引出主题。我们可以就所了解的知识分条来阐述观点。因为这是一篇介绍性文章,所以在语言方面要尽
第32题: [单项选择]关于预防原理,下列说法不正确的是()。 A. 重视经验的积累,对既成事故和大量的未遂事故进行统计分析,从中发现规律,做到有的放矢 B. 采用科学的安全分析、评价技术,对生产中人和物的不安全因素及其后果做出准确的判断,实施有效的对策,预防事故的发生 C. 安全生产管理工作应当以预防为主,即通过有效的管理和技术手段,防止人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态出现,从而使事故发生的概率降到最低,这就是预防原理 D. 运用预防原理时应遵循安全第一原则、封闭原则、安全第一原则和本质安全化原则 参考答案:D