第11题: [简答题]What is the basic theory of Gestalt psychology 参考答案:
Gestalt psychology appeared in the AIB0s. Its research was focused on the area of perception, aiming at the exploration of the relationship between parts and whole in people’s perceptional experience. It claimed that people perceived objects and scenes as organized wholes before they noticed their component parts. The word Gestalt means "organized shape" or "whole form" in English.
第12题: [单项选择]为克服市场经济对医学服务产生的负面效应,要求临床医师 A. 不仅关心患者的躯体,而且关心患者的心理 B. 注意克服人一物一人的物化趋势 C. 维护和尊重患者的知情同意权 D. 正确处理同行关系 E. 不能以医谋私 参考答案:E
第13题: [单项选择]治中风口眼斜最宜选用的是() A. 蝉蜕 B. 天南星 C. 白芥子 D. 白附子 E. 胖大海 参考答案:D 答案解析:蝉蜕功能散风除热,利咽,透疹,退翳,解痉;天南星功能燥湿化痰、祛风解痉;白芥子功能温肺化痰、利气散结、通络止痛;白附子功能燥湿化痰、祛风止痉、止痛、解毒散结,善治头面部诸疾;防风功能祛风解表、胜湿止痛