第13题: [单项选择]50岁女性,腹胀并少尿1周加重并胸闷半天,有肛门排气及大便。平时能适应中等强度体力劳动,不饮酒,有类风湿关节炎20年,糖尿病1年,最近2个月服偏方治疗糖尿病导致视物模糊,无高血压病及冠心病,无肝炎及血吸虫病史。查体:体温37.3℃,血压95/65mmHg,脉搏86/min,呼吸26/min,肝颈静脉回流征阴性,腹部高度鼓胀,脐疝,移动性浊音阳性,双下肢高度水肿。急诊须检查的项目是() A. 腹腔积液检验 B. 肾功能检查 C. 肝、胆、胰、脾超声检查 D. 肝炎系列及自身抗体检查 E. 以上均须检查 参考答案:E
第18题: [单项选择]What would a cooling trend in weather bring to the world A. Floods along the sea coasts. B. A shortage of food and fuel. C. Unpredictable weather conditions. D. Disappointment to some climatologists. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[听力原文]14-16
Let me begin this commentary on the world’s changing climate by saying that climatol