第24题: [单项选择]张某被县公安局处以15日行政拘留,3个月后张某向县政府申请行政复议,县政府以超过申请期限为由决定不予受理。张某遂以县公安局为被告向县法院提起行政诉讼,要求撤销县公安局的处罚决定。对于张某提起的诉讼,县法院的哪一种做法是正确的( ) A. 以原告未经行政复议程序为由裁定不予受理 B. 通知原告变更诉讼被告,原告拒绝变更的,应当驳回诉讼请求 C. 通知原告变更诉讼请求,原告拒绝变更的,裁定不予受理 D. 予以受理 参考答案:A 答案解析:本题涉及复议前置。根据《治安管理处罚条例》第39条规定,治安管理处罚案件属于复议前置的案件,所以A选项正确。
第36题: [简答题]描写一件你认为(或者你经历的、听说的)最有意思或最有意义的事。内容包括: (1)何时、何事、何地。 (2)具体的事件经过。 (3)意义或意思所在。 参考答案:
One thing shocked me in the America is the culture difference between China and America.
One of my American friends,a professor in a university, has a boy at five when I was there.Such a little boy had a girlfriend at five too.The boy always invited her wherever his family went.The little boy introduced her to me when I met her the first time.“This is my girlfriend.”I couldn’t help laughing.He seriously answered my laugh:“Do you think I’ll marry her No way!”
How different the two cultures are at the point of having a girlfriend.