第30题: [单项选择]与"药不至焉,不可为也"的"焉"词义、词性相同的是() A. "有灾祸兴,而无改焉"的"焉" B. "将不能图恤社稷。祸孰大焉"的"焉" C. "辄者造焉而善驰"的"焉" D. "涉旬而苛痒绝焉"的"焉" E. "岑岑周体,如痁作焉"的"焉" 参考答案:D 答案解析:"药不至焉,不可为也":病不能治了,病在肓的上边,膏的下边,灸不能用,针达不到,药物的力量也达不到了,不能治了。"涉旬而苛痒绝焉":过了十天奇痒的感觉没有了,不再会抓挠了
第37题: [单项选择]How long will the adults and teenagers in this program live together A. To keep members of the group busy doing something. B. To make the people there understand the meaning of work. C. To find a way to solve the generation gap. D. To help people find enjoyment in work. 参考答案:C